Myanmar wishes that Vietnamese businesses will increase their investment in the country, Speaker of Myanmar’s Parliament and House of Nationalities Mahn Win Khaing Than told Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.


PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Speaker of Myanmar’s Parliament and House of Nationalities Mahn Win Khaing Than

At their meeting in Hanoi on May 15, the Myanmar top legislator said his country is improving its investment environment with the hope of attracting more foreign investors.

Mahn Win Khaing Than told his host that a number of Vietnamese firms have received investment licences in Myanmar.

Both leaders shared their wish to step up the friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between the two countries.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc said he is impressed with Myanmar’s efforts to better its investment environment and noted that Vietnamese businesspeople are keen on investing in Myanmar.

He suggested the two sides step up high-level visits, implement cooperation mechanisms and soon convene the meeting of the Vietnam-Myanmar Joint Committee and the political consultation.

He called for joint efforts to accelerate negotiations and the signing of cooperation agreements in agro-forestry-fishery, culture, transport, finance, justice and education.

The leader also called on the two countries to beef up their affiliation in other sectors like national defence, telecommunications, banking, oil and gas and agriculture.

The PM noted his hope that Myanmar will soon establish the Myanmar-Vietnam Friendship Association which will partner with the Vietnam-Myanmar Friendship Association to boost the bilateral ties.

Vietnam and Myanmar should closely coordinate with each other within the framework of ASEAN and at international forums while cooperating in using Mekong River water resources in an effective and sustainable fashion, PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc said, voicing his wish that Myanmar will soon become a member of the Mekong River Commission.

The PM appealed to the two countries to reinforce their coordination in order to bring into full play ASEAN’s central role, contributing to ensuring peace, stability, maritime and aviation security and safety in the East Sea, promoting the peaceful settlement of disputes in line with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention of the Law of the Sea and encouraging relevant sides to fully respect legal and diplomatic processes and not take actions that escalate tensions.