National Assembly (NA) Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan expressed her wish that Vietnamese and UK legislatures will exchange their legislative experience and capacity for working at the parliament, especially among young deputies.

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Eleanor Laing

She called on visiting Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Eleanor Laing to continue her support for the two countries’ cooperation in science, education and training, covering an English teaching programme for Vietnamese NA deputies and officials of NA agencies.

During their meeting in Hanoi on October 3, the host said the UK is now Vietnam’s big partner in Europe and across the world with two-way trade reaching 5.4 billion USD in 2015, which, however, has yet to match their potential.

Given this, the top legislator said she hopes that Vietnam will step up its investments and exports to the UK.

In reply, Eleanor Laing said both Vietnam and the UK have made progresses in gender equality.

She cherished the bilateral cooperation across fields, especially education-training and legislative affairs.

The UK wishes to boost its affiliation, particularly in trade and economy, with foreign countries, including Vietnam, she said, describing the Southeast Asian nation as her country’s important partner.

Head of the UK Department for International Trade will soon visit Vietnam to discuss this issue, she informed.

The UK stands ready to share its experience with Vietnam in the areas of the country’s concerns and wishes to continue carrying out the Chevening scholarship programme, among others, she said, dubbing education-training as a bridge boosting cultural links between the two countries.

Regarding the East Sea issue, the guest said the UK backs the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s ruling as well as the peaceful settlement of the disputes in line with international law.

The same day, Eleanor Laing was received by President the Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan who said Vietnam always attaches importance to strengthening strategic partnership with the UK.

He affirmed that the UK’s decision to leave the European Union will not affect the relations between the two countries.

The VFF leader suggested the two sides’ enterprises expand their investment and business links, and called on UK firms to increase their presence in Vietnam in the domains of finance, banking, infrastructure development, insurance, and science-technology, oil and gas, and aviation.

The Vietnamese official asked the UK government to enhance education cooperation with Vietnam, further support the country in training high-quality human resources, and work closely with the Asian nation to effectively implement projects approved by the UK.

He expressed his hope that Vietnam and UK will continue effectively cooperating in dealing with global issues like climate change and rising sea levels, as well as in realising sustainable development goals.

He introduced Eleanor Laining function and task of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, emphasising the VFF’s role in promoting the great national unity.
In her reply, Eleanor Laing spoke highly of the VFF in leading socio-political organisations, supervising and giving consultations to the National Assembly in lawmaking.

She said she hopes her current visit will contribute to developing the strategic partnership between the countries.

Vietnam will be one of the leading trade partners of the UK in the future, she affirmed.

Vietnam, UK look to boost legislative links

The legislatures of Vietnam and the United Kingdom should promote cooperation, thus enhancing mutual understanding and links across fields between the two nations, National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong has told Vice Speaker of the House of Commons of the UK Eleanor Laing.

At her reception for the British guest in Hanoi on October 3, Vice Chairwoman Phong expressed her joy at the sound relations between the two countries, suggesting the increase of visit exchange at all levels and support to each other at multilateral forums and international organisations, especially the United Nations and the Asia–Europe Meeting ( ASEM).

She hoped that the two countries continue working together to boost business and investment activities between the two countries’ enterprises.

She asked the UK Government to continue supporting Vietnam in training high-quality human resources and opening English training courses in Vietnam, and make it easy for Vietnamese students to pursue study in the UK.

She applauded a cooperation project between the two parliaments to improve parliamentary skills for young Vietnamese deputies , and the establishment of the Vietnam-UK Friendship Parliamentarian Group. She recommended the UK side to share experience and support Vietnam in improving skills of staff working in the NA’s agencies.

She highly appreciated the UK’s stance supporting freedom, safety and security of navigation and aviation in the East Sea.

For her part, Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Eleanor Laing said her country will continue helping Vietnam train young deputies, hoping that through exchange and discussion, the two sides will seek ways to step up relations between the two legislative bodies.

She stressed the UK’s stance that the parties involved need to obey international law and the UK’s strong support for freedom, safety, and security of navigation and aviation in the East Sea.

Later the day, Deputy Speaker Eleanor Laing had a meeting with young Vietnamese NA deputies.