National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has stated that the Vietnamese legislature commits to continuing to be an active and responsible member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), especially upholding its role as a member of the IPU Executive Board for the 2016-2019 tenure to contribute to its common development. 


She made the statement during separate receptions in Ho Chi Minh City on May 11 to IPU President Saber Chowdhury and Secretary General Martin Chungong. 

The host emphasised that the Vietnamese NA has set joining IPU’s activities as the top important task in its multilateral parliamentary diplomatic activities that enable it to improve its operation towards protecting the country’s interests and reflecting stances on issues of global concern. 

Vietnam wishes to receive further support from the international community in the fulfillment of sustainable development goals (SDGs), she said. 

Chowdhury underscored the role of the IPU member states, including the Vietnamese NA in continuing to realise the Hanoi Declaration entitled “The Sustainable Development Goals: Turning Words into Action”. 

Expressing his wish to work more closely with the Vietnamese NA, Chowdhury lauded Vietnam for proposing initiatives to achieve SDGs and hoped that IPU, which now comprises 173 members, will receive more ideas from the member states to contribute to the effort. 

Chungong wished that each member IPU state, including Vietnam, will concretise each action. 

In the spirit of the Hanoi Declaration and the theme of the IPU Asia-Pacific conference “Response to Climate Change – Actions of Lawmakers to realise SDGs”, the guest hoped that Vietnam will continue to be a motive force to push IPU forward during the process of fulfilling SDGs. 

On the occasion, Ngan promised to attend the 137th Assembly of the IPU in Saint Petersburg, Russia, scheduled for this July.