Several NA deputies have urged that Hanoi People's Committee Chairman, Nguyen Duc Chung, to directly talk to people in My Duc District to quickly resolve an on-going dispute over a land plot.


National Assembly's Deputy Le Thanh Van speaks at an NA meeting on April 19.

Deputy Le Thanh Van, standing member of the NA's Finance and Budget Committee, voiced his concerns over the chaos at an NA meeting on Wednesday. 

Van pointed out several reasons that led to the problems including improper land polices and the local authorities failing to meet residents on a regular basis.

“Why was a military airport project which had been allocated such a large land lot since 1980 been left idle without proper management for so long?," the NA deputy questioned.

“Why don't people believe in the local officials and have so strongly protested against the government's action?,” he asked.

People in My Duc have for long asked for a legitimate aspirations of talking to chairman of the city people's committee. But why the chairman has not shown up so far?

The NA deputy suggested that the Hanoi chairman needed to directly talk with locals in My Duc as soon as possible.

In an interview with Dantri/DTiNews on Wednesday morning on the side lines of the NA meeting, deputy Duong Trung Quoc also stressed that the Hanoi chairman should talk directly to people in My Duc to try to solve the issue.

"I’ve received complaints from people there about the problem," Quoc revealed. "Hanoi authorities have punished several local officials relating to the case, but now we still need to do more to win back the confidence of the people. And the best way is to go and meet them and listen to their point of view."

On Tuesday, Deputy Secretary of Hanoi Party Committee, Dao Duc Toan, unveiled details of the dispute to local media and said the authorities would try to talk to residents to settle the issue.

According to the deputy secretary, in 1980, an area of 50.03 hectares spanning My Luong, Tran Phu and Dong Lac communes of Chuong My District and Dong Tam commune in My Duc District was allocated to the Ministry of Defence to build Mieu Mon Airport, but the land was then left idle. In 2015, it was allocated to Viettel Group to use for a defence project.

However, because of a lack of use residents began using the land to build houses and farms. When the Ministry of Defence attempted to reclaim the previously abandoned land, many people reacted strongly, saying that it was agricultural land.

The case escalated as hundreds of residents opposed the decision. On March 30, the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Defence then attempted to take legal action to reclaim the land and accused residents of resisting officials.

 The authorities arrested four people on April 15 and accused them of causing public disorder. However, the residents continued resisting the officials and took 38 policemen and officials and their vehicles hostage.

On April 18, four arrested residents were released by local authorities. After that, 15 officials were released by local people and three others escaped.

Toan said that the residents had started co-operating with the authorities and released some of the officials. 

The authorities were keen on talking to resolve the problem. Their first priority was to ensure the safety of held officials and residents.
