Update news NA

Household businesses to be regulated: NA deputies

A number of National Assembly (NA) deputies agreed household businesses should be subject to the amended Law on Enterprises yesterday.

VN's legislators highlight hindrances to foreign investors, State management agencies

The National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee has pointed out the main obstacles to investment by foreign investors in Vietnam and the Government’s management of foreign-invested firms.

VN National Assembly wants trade not to run into deficit deeper than 3% of exports

Vietnam recorded a trade surplus in the past four years, but the National Assembly (NA), wary of uncertainties over global trade conflicts, has set the target of containing the country’s trade deficit versus its total export value below 3% for 2020.

Vietnamese legislators discuss risk-sharing policy for PPP projects

The National Assembly yesterday began to look into a draft law on public-private-partnership (PPP) investment, which includes regulations on risk sharing between the Government and investors involved in PPP infrastructure projects.


NA deputies questioned on agriculture, commercial issues

NA deputies yesterday asked about measures to remove the European Commission (EC)’s ‘yellow card’ warning on Vietnam’s fisheries sector during the question & answer (Q&A) session to Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

Environmental violations and property scams focus of NA discussion

Environment violations, property scams and judicial sector’s workforce were the hot topic during Tuesday discussions of reports on legal violations and prevention of crime in the ongoing sitting of the National Assembly.

Agriculture and Rural Development Minister opens first Q&A session

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong started the first Q&A session of the National Assembly on Wednesday.

NA debates granting State Audit access to businesses and organisations' electronic data

Auditor General Ho Duc Pho told National Assembly (NA) deputies “not to worry not too much” about leakages when electronic data of the audited organisations and individuals become readily accessible by the State Audit of Vietnam.

Long Thanh international airport will operate by 2025: transport minister

Long Thanh international airport will open its doors by 2025 at the latest and will handle 25 million passengers and 1.2 million tonnes of goods a year once the first phase is completed.

Vietnam never concedes in sovereignty matters: PM

Vietnam will never make concessions to its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc told the National Assembly (NA) yesterday, following a months-long standoff with Chinese ships in the East Sea.

NA deputies come out against increasing overtime cap

National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee members spoke out yesterday against a Government proposal to increase the national overtime cap for workers.


Ethnic minority people could have better lives soon: NA

The lives of ethnic minority people could be improved and gap between ethnic and mountainous region and others narrowed once a master plan get approval from the National Assembly.

Let people judge the performance of parliament’s deputies: NASC

According to draft amendments to the Law on Organisation of National Assembly (NA), the NA Standing Committee will conduct an annual evaluation of all NA deputies and deputy delegations.

National Assembly asks Government to clarify delays on important bills

Several laws and regulations that were supposed to be developed following the enactment of Viet Nam’s 2013 Constitution are still yet to materialise, let alone be ratified, according to the National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee.

Private funding sought for Long Thanh airport project

Private investors should be encouraged to take part in the building of airports across the country, particularly Long Thanh international airport, said National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.


Legislators clarify vague definitions in planning law

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee on August 13 approved a resolution to clarify vague definitions in the freshly-enforced Law on Planning.

Vietnam ratifies ILO convention on collective bargaining

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has congratulated Vietnam on its decision to ratify one of the organization’s fundamental conventions to promote collective bargaining.


Amended tax and public investment laws passed

National Assembly (NA) deputies on Thursday passed the draft amendment of the Law of Tax Management with 91.32 per cent of all deputies approving the draft law.

Increasing Chinese FDI worries NA deputies

National Assembly deputies have raised their concerns about the potential risks of soaring Chinese foreign direct investment inflows into Vietnam.


NA adopts resolution on State budget final accounts of 2017

The National Assembly passed the Resolution on State budget final accounts for 2017 with 91.53 per cent approval at the ongoing seventh session of the 14th legislature yesterday.