Deputies voted to approve the draft revised Law on State compensation liability and the revised Law on legal aid during the third session of the 14th National Assembly in Hanoi on June 20.


Deputies at the third session of the 14th National Assembly 

With 92.46 percent of approval, the revised draft Law on State compensation liability comprises nine chapters and 78 articles, stipulating the State liability for compensating individuals and organisations suffering from damage caused by official-duty performers in administrative management, procedure and judgement execution, among others.

It also defines rights and obligations of sufferers and compensation-liable agencies, procedures to settle compensation claims, and responsibilities of State-run agencies in the field, among others.

Meanwhile, the revised Law on legal aid received 93.28 percent of yes votes. It comprises eight chapters and 51 articles, stipulating those who are subject to legal assistance, legal aid activities, and responsibilities of agencies, organisations and individuals in the sphere.

It states that legal aid is the provision of free legal services for eligible people, contributing to ensuring human and citizen rights in access to justice and equality.

Some lawmakers proposed reviewing regulations on children, people with disability, and victims of human trafficking, as well as supplementing some subjects to the group of those receiving legal aid such as people living in the poverty line, those completing prison sentences, and overseas Vietnamese.

Head of the NA Committee for Legal Affairs Nguyen Khac Dinh said the scope of people receiving legal assistance in the draft law has increased to 14 groups from the current seven.

The NA Standing Committee asked the legislature to continue expanding legal assistance for all children and ethnic minority people living in particularly disadvantaged areas.