Vietnamese National Assembly deputies called on the government to show the greater determination in protecting the country’s sovereignty in the Spratly and Paracel archipelagos.


Woody Island in the Paracel Archipelago 

At a session on March 29, NA deputies highly appreciated the clear and strong attitude of the government towards East Sea-related disputes.

However, according NA deputies, the government needs to show its much greater determination and patience to regain Vietnam’s Paracel archipelago and the South Johnson Reef in Spratly archipelago in its reports.

China is an important partner of Vietnam, but the country still needed to be resolute in terms of the East Sea. In many cases, reporters are not allowed to attend closed meeting about the islands and maritime sovereignty issues, so information was not published, leading to rumours.

The government should work out strategic ways to defend national sovereignty in the coming time, the deputy noted.

Early this year, China deployed air force planes to Woody Island in the Paracel Archipelago, constructed a high frequency radar facility on several features in the Spratly Archipelago and deployed surface to air missile batteries in the East Sea.

This is the serious violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty over these two archipelagos, said NA Deputy Nguyen Anh Son from Nam Dinh Province.

At meetings with high-ranking Vietnamese officials, Chinese leaders said they were keen to maintain peace and security in the East Sea.

This was once again reiterated by the Chinese defence minister Chang Wanquan at a recent meeting with Vietnamese defence minister Phung Quang Thanh during Chang’s recent visit to Vietnam. However, China has continued its provocative actions in the East Sea.

National Assembly Deputy Truong Trong Nghia from HCM City said people wanted to see stronger actions on the issue and this should be mentioned more at sessions of the upcoming 14th National Assembly.

“We have been patient with peaceful solutions to the East Sea disputes but China has continued its violations. This has raised public concern about national sovereignty,” Nghia noted.
