The 14th National Assembly Standing Committee (NASC) wrapped up its 12th session in Hanoi, on July 12, under the chair of NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.


NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan speaking at the closing session

Earlier the same day, the NASC gave it’s opinions on the adjustment to the beneficiaries of funding sourced from government bonds for the 2012-2015 period of the school renovation programme.

Following the discussion, the committee agreed to issue a resolution to amend certain contents related to Resolutions No.916 and 1096, including adjusting the capital level to VND698.704 billion, in order to build 880 classrooms for kindergartens in poor districts, at the Government’s proposal.

Speaking at the closing session, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan urged the Government, as well as the NA’s committees of law, finance, budget and external relations, the NA’s Secretary General and the relevant agencies and organisations, to adhere to the NASC’s opinions to finalise the resolutions, reports and other documents.

She asked the NA’s Secretary General to sum up the conclusions on the specific contents to create a report on the general conclusion of the session for relevant agencies, organisations and individuals to study, adhere and implement.

The NA Chairwoman said that at the upcoming sessions in August and September, the NASC will give their opinions on other bills and contents which will be submitted to the NA’s fourth session; meanwhile issues related to socio-economic development will be discussed at the NASC’s October session.

The legislator leader asked NA deputies of the mountainous northern provinces recently affected by flooding to thoroughly grasp the situation and to promptly propose that the Government support the localities, particularly in avoiding poverty in ethnic minority groups.

Nhan Dan