National Assembly deputies will conduct a vote of confidence and debate the revised draft Law on Corruption Prevention and Control and the draft Law on Protection of State Secrets on October 25 during their ongoing sixth session.


Overview of a plenary disscussion of the NA's sixth session

In the morning, after listening to a report on results of group discussions relating to the vote of confidence on officials holding positions elected or approved by the National Assembly, deputies will cast their secret ballots.

The result of the vote is expected to be announced in the afternoon of the same day.

They will continue the morning session with a plenary discussion on the draft Law on Corruption Prevention and Control. The bill, which was also debated at the fourth and fifth sessions, includes 11 chapters and 96 articles. The deputies maintain different ideas on the settlement of property and unexplainable incomes.

In the afternoon, the deputies will give their opinions on the draft Law on State Secret Protection.

The law was debated at the NA fourth session and the 25th meeting of the NA Standing Committee. It comprises five chapters and 28 articles.

List of 48 officials subject to vote of confidence approved

The National Assembly on October 24 approved a list of 48 officials in high positions elected or approved by the National Assembly who are subject to the vote of confidence at its ongoing sixth session.

Under Article 12 of the Law on Organisation of the National Assembly and Article 18 of the Law on Supervisory Activities of the NA and People’s Councils 2015, NA deputies cast votes of confidence on 50 officials holding positions elected or approved by the legislature.

They include the President, the Vice President, the NA Chairperson, NA Vice Chairpersons, members of the NA Standing Committee, heads of the NA Ethnic Council and NA Committees, the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies, the Chief Judge of the Supreme People’s Court, the head of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, and the State Auditor General.

However, officials in office for under nine months are not included in the list. Therefore, President Nguyen Phu Trong and Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung, who have been elected and approved in the sixth session, are excluded from the vote.

After the list was passed, NA deputies discussed in groups issues related to the vote of confidence. 

Discussion outcomes will be reported by Tran Van Tuy, head of the NA Committee for Deputy Affairs, at the October 25 morning session. After that, deputies will cast the vote of confident. The result will be announced in the afternoon of the same day.