The National Assembly’s first meeting session this year will be focused on scrutinising and voting on 13 draft laws, announced NA Deputy General-Secretary Le Bo Linh yesterday.


The National Assembly’s first meeting session this year will be focused on scrutinising and voting on 13 draft laws, announced NA Deputy General-Secretary Le Bo Linh yesterday.

The 3rd meeting of the 14th NA will kick off next Monday, May 22 until June 21 with 23 working days, Linh said in a press conference.

“The NA will focus its attentions on legislative work during its first meeting of the year,” he said.

The laws that will be brought to the table for approval include the draft law on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the law on planning and the amending law on State compensation liability.

The NA will also discuss five other laws including amendments to the law on public debt management and the law on denunciation.

A change for this upcoming NA meeting is more time for Q&A sessions. The cabinet will be questioned for three days instead of two and a half as in the last NA meeting, according to Linh.

Pending protest law

NA General-Secretary Nguyen Hanh Phuc told the press yesterday that the draft law on protest will not be ready for submission to the NA until at least 2019.

The law, which has been in the limelight since its proposal in 2011, has been repeatedly delayed, and was also absent from the NA’s legislative agenda for 2017 and 2018.

“The NA was initially asked to add the law on protest to its agenda (for 2018), but the NA’s Standing Committee believed the draft law failed to meet quality standards, and asked the Government to keep working on it,” Phuc said.

“The protest law must be based on reality, guaranteeing its quality and efficiency.”

The exact time frame for the law, however, is undetermined.