General Tô Lâm, Minister of Public Security (left) and NA Permanent Vice Chairman TrầnThanh Mẫn. — Photo

The Party Central Committee has nominated General Tô Lâm, a Member of the Politburo and Minister of Public Security, to be the President of Việt Nam.

General Tô Lâm, who was born on July 10, 1957, in Hưng Yên Province, joined the People's Public Security Force in 1974. In 2016, he was elected as a member of the Politburo while serving as Minister of Public Security, a position he still holds.

Mr. Trần Thanh Mẫn, a member of the Politburo and NA Permanent Vice Chairman is expected to be the NA Chairman.

Mr. Mẫn, aged 62, has been a Politburo member since 2021 and was previously Chairman of the People's Committee and then Secretary of the Party Committee of Cần Thơ Mekong Delta.

Before being elected as 15th NA Vice Chairman in 2021, he was President of the Việt Nam Fatherland Front Central Committee.

At a press conference on Sunday, NA General Secretary Cường stressed that one of the Party's leadership tasks was nominating, introducing officials, electing and appointing them to positions in State agencies and socio-political organisations.

“According to the scheduled programme of the seventh session, late Monday morning, the 15th NA will begin the process and by Wednesday, the personnel work will be completed. The NA elects the NA Chairman first, then elects the State President,” said Cường.

He added that the designated competent authorities had not yet introduced a candidate for the Minister of Public Security, so the NA would not have this on their agenda.

According to regulations, the NA Chairman and the President will take an oath after being elected by the NA.

Cường said the oath taking ceremony would be shown as a live broadcast. — VNS