Nearly one million pupils across Vietnam have finished the most important test of their lives so far, the national exam, which will decide whether they are admitted to their dream university.

While some may just walk a few steps to get to the exam hall, some were isolated by floods and had to wait for the army and police for help to sit their exams on time.

Anxiety, anticipation and hope are emotions likely to be seen during this time of the year. It is also moving to see the affection that parents, schools and the army and police have for the pupils.

Some memorable moments of the exams:


Army and police vehicles are used to take students in flooded areas to the exam hall. 


Father and brother greet a pupil of Tạ Quang Bửu School in Ho Chi Minh City after she finishes her final test in the national exam.


A supervisor checks the material that pupils can use in the exam in Long Xuyên High School in the southern province of An Giang. 


Volunteers greet the first pupil to finish her English test in Biên Hòa High School in the northern province of Hà Nam. 


A father waves to his child when the test is over. 


Candidates enjoy a free lunch in Nguyễn Văn Huyên High School in the northern province of Tuyên Quang. 


A traffic policewoman instructs a parent and pupil on the exam day in Lương Văn Tụy High School in the northern province of Ninh Bình. 


Pupils of Hồng Bàng High School, Hải Phòng City hug each other after they finish the Foreign Language test. 


A traffic police officer offers free water for pupils.