The National Single Window (NSW) will be made available to all ministries and sectors between 2016 and 2020, according to the Vietnam Customs.


All procedures will be conducted under the form of online public services and fully connected with the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) to facilitate the trade of Vietnamese goods and increase inspection on imported commodities.

The Vietnam Customs moves to push ahead with administrative reform and customs modernisation via the application of information-technology in 2016-2020.

Additionally, the agency will continue to improve the Vietnam Automated Cargo and Port Consolidated System/Vietnam Customs Information System (VNACCS/VCIS) to save time for businesses in customs clearance.

It also plans to increase inspection and risks management capacity, and prevent contraband and commercial fraud in the period.

In 2015, nine different ministries got involved in the national one-stop shop portal. Except for the Ministry of Finance, 26 administrative procedures of the remaining ministries were handled through the mechanism.

The NSW is designed to reduce customs clearance time for businesses by 15-30 percent and increase their connectivity and information exchanges with State-run management agencies.

Vietnam has conducted successful technical connection with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore through ASEAN Single Window.