As of the end of April, 11 ministries and agencies have joined the Viet Nam National Single Window (NSW), addressing 1.13 million administrative documents from 20,800 businesses, according to the Viet Nam Customs. 


From January 1-April 14, as many as 230,580 documents from 2,500 businesses were processed. 

Viet Nam is exchanging with other ASEAN nations to upgrade the portal to serve for piloting ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) data and continue exchanging C/O form D with four nations including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. 

From January 1 to March 15, the total number of C/O form D sent from Viet Nam were 8,641 (667 sent to Singapore; 1,898 sent to Malaysia; 965 sent to Thailand; 5,101 sent to Indonesia). The total number of e- C/O forms D received from the ASEAN countries was 18,052.