
Update news Netizen

When netizens are "detectives"

 VietNamNet Bridge - Recently, many law violators were detected and arrested thanks to the assistance of the cyber community.

Clips on Vietnam tourism by American man praised by local netizens (video)

Kyo York, who is popular in Vietnam as an American who can sing Vietnamese songs very well, has made a short video clip on Vietnam tourism. The clip has immediately attracted the attention of Vietnamese netizens.

The miraculous help from the cyber world for poor babies

A newborn baby has been abandoned twice by his biological parents and adoptive parents because of HIV exposure. He is rescued by the help of thousand people coming out of the cyber world.

Youngsters color their Facebook in red by the Vietnam flag

These days, the online community has had a movement called "Coloring your Facebook by the Vietnamese flag" to celebrate the country’s Unification Day (April 30,) the May Day and the birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19).

Many Vietnamese girls crazy for Arabian boys

VietNamNet Bridge - The Arabian guys who were expelled from the Riyadh Festival for ... being so handsome have made Vietnamese netizens "crazy".

Netizens “stone” man with disrespectful photo

Vietnamese netizens are upset with a rude photo featuring a young man who posed on the statue of Emperor Ly Thai To, the founder of the Ly Dynasty.