VietnamNet Bridge - A newborn baby has been abandoned twice by his biological parents and adoptive parents because of HIV exposure. He is rescued by the help of thousand people coming out of the cyber world. A ten-day-old baby was fed by hundreds of totally strange mothers who came from the online world. These are true stories of humanity in netizens.


Le Quang Anh and a mother from the virtual world.

In the past three weeks, the story of baby Le Quang Anh, born on March 18th 2013 at Hanoi Obstetrics Hospital, who was abandoned by his biological parents because of getting HIV, has been spread widely on the Internet.

Exposed to HIV from his mother, Quang Anh’s biological mother left him when he was three days old. After that, a childless couple wanted to adopt him but after learning about his medical situation, they also refused Quang Anh.

The baby was having special treatment in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Pediatrics, and fought with diseases without any relatives’ help.

However, thousands of warm-heart people don’t refuse Quang Anh. His story, posted on ‘The group of feeding children’ with over 9600 members on Facebook, was very touching. Members discussed to help Quang Anh then; a group page named “Nice parents accompanying with Le Quang Anh” was created to call for help from its 1,300 members.

Instead of discussing online, members in this group held face-to-face meetings to assign specific tasks for each other, such as milk, diapers, raise money, and calling for special support and taking care of Quang Anh.

Quang Anh’s poor situation was touched many mothers that they didn’t hesitate to take care of him like their own children. Some members even tried so hard to have contact with HIV experts in the U.S and some non-government organizations to find protection and treatment for Quang Anh.

Thanks to these supports, Quang Anh’s health condition is now stabilized; he may be discharged soon and taken care at a center special for abandoned children with HIV.

Another special story was about a ten days baby. Nguyen Thi Kim Yen has unfortunately lost her mother when she was only ten days.




The fridge full of breast milk for baby Kim Yen.



Despite of the sorrow that his wife passed away, Mr. Trinh Tuan was aware of that he need to take care of his daughter. However, he was helpless when his daughter couldn’t eat anything but breast milk; he was really stressed because of his daughter’s health.

Insisting on not using milk powder, Mr. Tuan sought help from the page ‘Group of breast feeding mothers” on Facebook while his friends also asked milk from different forums.

Surprisingly, the baby had received a large amount of breast milk from other mothers enthusiastically. Mr. Tuan also expressed his refrigerator was even overloaded.

The baby ate this first amount so fast that every 3 days, her father had to ask for more milk. Thanks to this gift, her health is good now, she grows up quite normal and she’s especially very nice. Now she can turn and sit.

Appreciating the help of strangers, Tuan shares his idea of a “milk bank” confidently; which with the help of mothers will support children having the same situation as his daughter.

Witnessing these two marvelous stories, many people must be happily surprised to find out that humanity in this life still exists; somewhere there’s always a willing heart to share, to love unconditionally to make a miracle to others.

Minh Tam