A woman in the southern province of Binh Thuan has admitted burying her new-born child alive.


The baby was found with an injury in his face

A 40-year-old woman in Tan Thang Commune, Ham Tan District who is married with two children, one aged 13 and the other aged 9, confessed she attempted to bury her new-born baby. 

She said that no one knew she was giving birth. After that, she brought the baby to a nearby garden to bury him and then returned home.

She wanted to abandon her child as she was afraid that she could not afford to take care of him as her family was so poor. She said her husband often gets drunk and was violent.

According to some local residents, the mother has suffered from epilepsy since she was small, which has resulted in mental problems.

Local authorities are conducting DNA tests for the investigation.

The boy was rescued by Nguyen Thi Truc who is his mother’s sister-in-law on the morning of May 26.

Truc said that when she was walking by a garden near her house in the morning when she saw a baby’s elbow and foot appearing from the ground.

The 31-year-old woman called her husband to the scene. They were shocked to see a baby, still breathing but with several wounds on his body, lying in the dirt.

The boy is now staying at La Gi General Hospital for the treatment. Several people have expressed an interest in adopting him.

Nguoi Lao Dong/Dtinews