Vietnam and France have agreed to chart a new course for the bilateral relationship during the talks between General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on March 27.


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and French President Emmanuel Macron witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the French Development Agency (AFD).

The leaders told the press following their talks that they also consented to enhance mutual political trust, step up strategic cooperation and create marked changes to improve the efficiency of bilateral cooperation across fields in order to deepen the strategic partnership between the two countries. 

The two countries will intensify high-level exchanges and meetings, and raise the efficiency of cooperation and dialogue mechanisms, expand and strengthen collaboration in all spheres, and at all levels, while closely coordinating with each other on regional and international issues of shared concern. 

They will continue to create the best possible conditions for businesses and investors of both sides to scale up their operation in the respective countries, especially in the areas of France’s strength and Vietnam’s demands, aiming to make the economic links on par with their fruitful political ties. 

Party General Secretary Trong said enhancing the Vietnam-France relationship matches the demand and interest of the two countries’ people, noting that Vietnam and France are the important partner of each other. 

Highlighting the close-knit relations between the two countries although they are in different continents, the leader said the relationship has developed fruitfully over the past 45 years.

The establishment of the strategic partnership five years ago has opened up new opportunities for the two countries to elevate the bilateral ties to a new height, he added. 

He called on the French side to keep doors open for Vietnamese goods and French businesses to increase their investment in Vietnam.

Co-chairing the press conference, President Macron thanked Party General Secretary Trong for selecting France as the first European nation to visit during his second term in office. 

Stressing Vietnam’s important position in the region and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the President said Vietnam will be a friend who helps France increase its presence in the region. 

The leader expressed his hope for stronger cooperation with Vietnam in all spheres, ranging from politics, economy, trade and investment to culture, education, tourism, science and climate change, urging the two countries to intensify the exchange, experience sharing and cooperation between their legislative bodies, and place young generations at the centre of the bilateral ties. 

Macron said he hopes that with cooperation documents signed during Party General Secretary Trong’s visit, the bilateral relationship will make great strides in the time to come. 

Following their talks, the leaders witnessed the signing of a number of cooperation agreement, including a statement on cooperation between Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, and a letter of intention on tourism cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. 

Other documents are a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the French Development Agency (AFD), another MoU between Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment and the AFD, and a cooperation programme between the two justice ministries for 2018-2019. 

Another MoU was also signed by Vietnam’s T&T Group and Bouygues Group of France on cooperation in investment in the 1.4 billion EUR (1.7 billion USD) urban railway project No. 3 connecting Hanoi’s centre with it suburb town of Son Tay.

On this occasion, Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh also handed an investment licence to Son My 1 thermal power plant of France’s EDF Group.

Vietnamese Party chief holds talks with French President


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong holds talks with French President Emmanuel Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron said he wants to strengthen the strategic partnership with Vietnam while holding talks with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong in Paris on March 27.

The ongoing official visit to France by the Party leader and the high-ranking Vietnamese delegation is taking place at a special time of the bilateral relations, he said.

He highly valued the socio-economic development achievements that Vietnam has gained over the past years.

Party leader Trong said he was glad to visit France again and thanked the French President, authorities and people for their warm welcome.

He highly appreciated the role and position of France in Europe and the world, saying Vietnam considers the development of friendly cooperation with France a top priority in its external affairs policy.

He took this occasion to thank France for supporting Vietnam in all aspects.

In the friendly atmosphere, the two leaders informed each other about the situation in each country and exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concern, especially security matters. 

They agreed that disputes should be addressed via peaceful means and international law and countries’ roles and responsibilities should be promoted for regional peace, security and development.

The two sides discussed measures to establish frameworks and orientations to create new momentum for deeper strategic partnership, opening a new development period for the bilateral relations.

They underlined the long-standing special relationship between Vietnam and France and their historical, cultural and social closeness as well as expressed pleasure at the growing 45-year diplomatic ties and the 5-year strategic partnership.

The two countries are witnessing the best development period with a comprehensive and effective cooperation foundation created in all fields, serving as an important driving force to elevate their ties to a new height, they noted.

To step up strategic cooperation to create a strong change to improve the efficiency of cooperation in all fields, the two leaders agreed to maintain and increase high-level contacts and meetings, improve the efficiency of dialogue and cooperation mechanisms, expand affiliation across the board, increase people-to-people exchange and locality-to-locality partnership, and boost coordination in regional and international issues of mutual concern.

The French President asked Vietnam to provide favourable conditions for French businesses to invest and implement cooperation projects in Vietnam, enhance cooperation in defence and security and personnel training, and boost parliamentary cooperation.

The Party chief welcomed and noted down France’s requests and expressed his wish that Vietnam will receive efficient assistance and cooperation from France.

The two leaders shared their view that economic, trade and investment cooperation between the two countries has grown positively, but it is yet to match with their sound political ties, positions, potentials as well as their desires.

As such, they agreed to step up practical measures to boost trade, exchange measures to speed up important cooperation projects on telecommunications, energy, aviation, safe water, climate change, environment, and seek supportive measures to enable their businesses’ market entry.

They shared the view that the two countries are enjoying conditions to boost cooperation in investment in high technology, clean energy, organic agriculture and digital industry.

Measures to boost cooperation in science-technology, healthcare, energy and education and training were on the table as well. The French President suggested the establishment of French schools in Vietnam.

Both sides affirmed their desire to make Vietnam-France friendship cooperationas part of the dynamic spaces like the EU and ASEAN. They agreed to speed up the signing and ratification of the free trade deal between Vietnam and the EU in 2018, creating new momentum for economic, trade and investment collaboration between the two nations.

The two leaders hailed significant contributions made by the Vietnamese community in France to the bilateral ties. Party General Secretary Trong hoped that France will continue support for the Vietnamese nationals in the country so that they can further contribute to the relations.

On the occasion, the Party chief invited the French President to visit Vietnam in a convenient time. The later accepted the invitation with pleasure.

The same day, Emmanuel Macron held a grand banquet for the Vietnamese Party leader and the high-ranking delegation from Vietnam. Also, the two leaders witnessed the signing of some significant cooperation deals and met with the press.

Friendship association works for thriving Vietnam-France ties


General Secretary of the ​CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (R) and AAFV President Gérard Daviot 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong hoped that the France-Vietnam Friendship Association (AAFV) will further its efforts to bolster Vietnam-France  collaboration in the fields of politics, economy, culture, education and healthcare.

Holding a reception for the representatives from the association in Paris on March 27 (local time) during his official visit to the country, the Party chief hailed and thanked French friends for their support for Vietnam and the French-Vietnam relations.

During 57 years of operation, the association has carried out a myriad of activities to back Vietnam in the country’s struggle for independence as well as national construction and development, he said.

For his part, AAFV President Gérard Daviot said that the AAFV is the most long-standing association in the European country. It has worked to endorse Vietnamese people with many assistance projects and activities with total mobilised capital of 4 million euros.

The association will continue cooperation with Vietnamese partner in the fields of Vietnam’s interest, including environmental protection, response to climate change, Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange and other international issues.

He stressed that the move will help fortify solidarity, friendship and cooperation between the two nations. 

CPV General Secretary meets with leader of French Communist Party


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong (fourth, left), PCF National Secretary Pierre Laurent (third, left) and other officials pose for a photo at their meeting on March 27 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong met with National Secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF) Pierre Laurent in Paris on March 27 afternoon (local time), part of the former’s official visit to France.

The Vietnamese leader said although the two countries’ diplomatic relationship was officially set up in 1973, relations between their peoples and communists had existed long before that. Late President Ho Chi Minh and many leaders of Vietnam took part in the communist and progressive movement of France and connected it with the revolutionary movement in Vietnam. Many French people stood on the side of Vietnamese people to create a widespread anti-war movement calling for the international community’s support for the righteous struggle of the Vietnamese people.

He noted the solidarity and mutual assistance in the past is a spring-board for bilateral ties to continue flourishing in the future.

Briefing about Vietnam’s situation and the outcomes of his talks and meetings with French leaders, General Secretary Trong said Vietnam-France relations have developed in an increasingly effective manner.

He asked the PCF, with its role and prestige, to continue supporting the French administration to keep enhancing ties with Vietnam. The two parties should also hold regular theory exchanges and support each other at regional and international forums.

PCF National Secretary Pierre Laurent congratulated Vietnam on its reform and development achievements, especially in economic growth and poverty reduction. Highlighting the countries’ thriving connections, he expressed his belief that the CPV leader’s visit will give an important boost to bilateral ties.

The French communists will actively help to build positive policies towards Vietnam, he said, adding that the increase of theoretical workshops will help intensify the two parties’ cooperation in theoretical issues. 

In late 2018, the PCF will organise a congress marking its centenary. Laurent suggested appropriate activities be held on this occasion to honour President Ho Chi Minh, who greatly contributed to the two Communist Parties and the two nations.

General Secretary Trong welcomed his guest’s idea and wished the PCF to successfully organise its congress later this year.

Vietnamese Party chief meets leaders of major French groups


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) meets with Airbus executives on March 27

Vietnam always welcomes and creates optimal conditions for foreign investors, including those from France, said General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong.

In a meeting with leaders of major enterprises in France on March 27 (local time), the Party chief hailed Airbus, the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer, for its fruitful cooperation with Vietnamese partners, thereby contributing to the enhancement of bilateral cooperative ties between Vietnam and France, and bringing benefits to people of both nations.

General Secretary Trong wished the group will reap greater achievements from its business operations in Vietnam.

He also spoke highly of Bouygues Group’s investment in infrastructure projects in Vietnam, expressing his hope that the company will further cooperation with Vietnam in the field, helping the country speed up its industrialisaion and modernisation process.

The group, which has involved in developing many infrastructure projects in Vietnam like Phu Luong bridge, Hai Van tunnel and the upgrade of Hang Day stadium, expected that Vietnam will complete mechanisms and policies to create a stable legal corridor for investors.

The Party leader also applauded the investment in Vietnam by TOTAL Group, one of the world’s leading oil and gas companies, stressing that with a population of nearly 100 million, Vietnam has great demand for energy to meet its production and consumption need.