The Law on Children took effect on June 1, making it illegal for parents to post their child’s photo online.


The new Law on Children contains language that makes it clear that ‘children under 16 years of age’ includes not just Vietnamese children, but also foreign children residing in Vietnam. 

The definitions of comprehensive child development, alternative child care, child sexual abuse, and protection of a child’s rights to opinions and aspirations have also been clarified.

The new law stipulates that children have the right to contribute their opinions on proposed state policies and laws concerning child-related issues. Adequate personnel and financial resources should be dedicated to children’s rights and child protection.

NA Deputy Tran Van Mao of Nghe An province said “Laws have addressed feasibility, legal framework, and detailed written instructions to provide a legal foundation for handling violations of a child’s right to privacy.”

One important right prescribed by the law is a child’s right to have his or her photos protected by strict regulations.

new law expected to protect children more comprehensively hinh 1

 A girl of Thuong Thanh ward in Long Bien District is presenting her dream about life without violence and child abuse

Pham Khanh Phong Lan, a Deputy of Ho Chi Minh City, said that online posting of a child’s photo could put the child at risk. Regulations will encourage respect for children and make children less vulnerable.  

According to Lan, “Many parents like posting their children’s photos online. This could give their friends – and strangers - a chance to tease them, bully them, or worse. Posting a child’s photo online must be agreed to by the child to reduce the risk of harming the child’s future well-being. In the case of infants and other young children, it will be difficult to apply the law. But it must be acknowledged that this is a step toward more comprehensive children’s rights in Vietnam.”

Deputy Mua A Vang of Dien Bien province said the law’s prohibiting of certain actions shows that children’s rights are being respected and protected. Parents and guardians are prohibited from revealing a child’s personal information without the consent of the child in the case of any child aged 7 or above.

“I think the regulation is appropriate because there have been cases where children’s photos were posted online without the permission of their parents or the children themselves. I hope it will have a wide impact in protecting children’s rights, including their right to privacy,” said Vang.