The new medical fee will go into effect on June 1, 2017 for 1,900 services in medical clinics nationwide on self-pay patients,as per the Ministry of Health’s document.


The booth where insured patients buy drugs 

As per the Ministry’s guideline on prices and payment for treatment fee on non-insured patients or insurance holders who deployed medical services in state infirmaries out of the Insurance Company’s index, the maximum prices of treatment services including medication, fluid, chemicals, and materials during treatment procedures. 

For instance, patients who come to the first-class, second-class and third-class hospital, a patient will pay VND39,000; VND35,000 and VND31,000 for examination while they pay VND29,000 for the fourth-class or a medical center in districts. 

General health check-up to complete work application is worth VND120,000 and some operation technique prices increased by 20-30 percent compared to the current level. 

In addition, the guideline also added prices of 35 non-insured medical services such as cosmetic surgery, replacing false teeth, hearing-aid, near-sighted which insurance holders or self-pay patients all pay for them.

The Ministry said that the adjustment of medical services aims to give fairness between insured and uninsured people in a bid to encourage more people to buy medical insurance. 

As per the Vietnam Social Insurance (VSA)’s statistics, the proportion of insured people is 82 percent the whole country’s population or 18 percent of Vietnamese people have not been insured yet.