Decree No. 11/2016/ND-CP dated February 3, 2016 guiding the implementation of some articles of the Labor Code is among new legal documents that take effect in April.


Under the Decree, foreigners working in Viet Nam (hereinafter referred to as foreign workers) in one of the forms below: (i) working under labor contracts; (ii) being transferred within an enterprise; (iii) performance of any of the following types of contract, namely economic, commercial, financial, banking, insurance, scientific and technical, cultural, sports, educational, vocational training or medical health contracts; (iv) providing services under contract; (v) offering services; (vi) working for a foreign non-Governmental organization which is permitted to operate pursuant to the law of Viet Nam; (vii) volunteers; (viii) foreigners responsible for establishing commercial presence; (ix) managers, executive directors, experts and technical workers;  and (x) foreigners participating in a tender contract or project in Viet Nam.

The employer (excluding contractors) is responsible for identifying the demand to use foreign workers for each job position that Vietnamese workers could not meet its requirements and report to Chairman of provincial-level People's Committee (hereinafter referred to as the provincial People's Committee) where the foreign worker is expected to work.

During the employment period, should there is a change in the demand to use foreign workers, the employer must report to Chairman of provincial People’s Committee.

Centralized procurement of State assets

PM Nguyen Tan Dung signed Decision No. 08/2016/QĐ-TTg on February 26, 2016 regulating the concentrated procurement of State assets.

The Decision covers regulations on financial sources, lists of assets, roadmap, and publication of information on centralized procurement of State assets.

E-procedures at border seaports

E-procedures will be allowed at border seaports from April 18 this year, according to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 10/2016/QD-TTg dated March 2, 2016.

The move aims to ensure equality, safety, transparency, openness, and convenience for transactions and immigration in accordance with international treaties to which Viet Nam is a signatory.