The HCM City Department of Transport has installed new, clearer road signs in many places, which is expected to improve traffic flow.


HCM City is upgrading road signs, which is helping ease traffic flows. — Photo

There are many new signs indicating “No U Turn”, “No Left Turn, “No Semi-Trailers” and the like besides parking instructions.

On Truong Chinh-Cong Hoa Street, for instance, there is a new sign earmarking lanes by vehicle type with more specific instruction than before.

Ngo Hai Duong, head of the city’s traffic infrastructure management, said more than 2,000 signs have been replaced.

The department and related units are carrying out further reviews of traffic signs.

According to transport experts, the changes to the signs are helping regulate lane-wise traffic and the handling of violations.

The department faces difficulties including lack of funds to repaint all 72,200sq.m of road markings.

But it has promised to finish all sign changes before August 20, 2019, as instructed by the Ministry of Transport. — VNS