Authorities of central province of Nghe An have provided to the press detailed information on the May 15 arrest of Hoang Duc Binh, born 1983, a resident of Hung Trung commune, Hung Nguyen district, and incidents related to Binh. 


Hoang Duc Binh was arrested on May 15

Binh’s arrest was made under a warrant issued by the Investigation Police under the provincial Public Security Department on May 11 and approved by the Nghe An People’s Procuracy on May 13. 

He was charged with resisting on-duty officials and abusing democratic rights and freedom to infringe on the State interests and the legitimate rights of organizations, citizens under Articles 257 and 258 of the Penal Code.

According to Nghe An authorities, during the time Binh lived in Ho Chi Minh City, he joined a number of hostile political orgaisations such as “NoU Saigon”, “Phong trao Lao dong Viet” (Vietnam Workers’ Movement).

On December 12, 2015, Binh was arrested and detained for 24 hours for scattering leaflets inciting people to join “Nghiep doan doc lap” (independence league). He was also fined million VND for his violation of regulations on keeping and distributing illegal publications and printed materials that are not publications. However, he refused to pay the fine and fled to Nghe An.

After returning to Nghe An, Binh regularly posted to Facebook information slandering the administration and advocating pluralism and multi-party movements.

After the environmental incident caused by Formosa company in four central localities, Binh, as the Vice President of the “Phong trao Lao dong Viet”, formed a “fishermen’s association of central region” and called on Catholics and fishermen to join the association.

On April 2, 2017, Binh and Bach Hong Quyen, a resident of An Do commune, Binh Luc district, the northern province of Ha Nam, incited Catholics in Trung Nghia Parish in Thach Bang commune, Loc Ha district of Ha Tinh province to surround and attack a patrol team of the public security forces of Loc Ha district and Thach Bang commune, injuring one officer.

The crowd also surrounded and destroyed property at the house of the head of Thach Bang public security force, and then marched to the headquarters of the district People’s Committee and Public Security force, causing social disorder. 

After Binh was arrested, priest Nguyen Dinh Thuc in Nghe An’s Dien Chau district incited local Catholics to gather with the aim of putting pressure on the government and public security forces for the release of Binh.

Some Catholics, at the instruction of priest Hoang Dinh Thuc, gathered on National Highway 1A, blocking the traffic for about five hours. The same day, at 13:00, some elements provoked local Catholics to illegally capture four officials of mass organisations who were persuading the crowd not to cause social disorder and traffic congestion.

Furthermore, at 15:30 of May 15, priest Nguyen Dinh Thuc led a crowd of Catholics to the headquarters of Dien Chau district public security department to demand the release of Hoang Duc Binh. At 16:00, provincial police dissolved the crowd and cleared up the road for traffic.

Nghe An authorities affirmed that the causing of traffic congestion and illegal seizing of officials are serious law violations that must be strictly punished. 

Local authorities said they had received the coordination of the Vinh Diocese Office, many local priests and Catholics in Nghe An and many districts in persuading priest Nguyen Dinh Thuc and the incited Catholic followers.