Heavy rains over the recent days have caused severe floods and landslides in the central province of Nghe An.


The Nghe An provincial Department of Transport’s staff are on duty round the clock at all spillways to timely respond to unexpected development of Son Tinh storm.


People and vehicles are banned from passing through spillways.


The water level on Hieu River continues to rise.


Eleven hamlets in Nghia Hung commune with more than 1,000 households are isolated.


Landslides on Highway 16 in Dong Van commune, Que Phong district


Functional units from Nghe An provincial People’s Committee have closely followed the storm development to provide latest information and help locals cope with the natural disaster.


A new house in Mau Duc commune collapsed.




 Many areas in Con Cuong district are submerged.


A bridge damaged by the storm.


Water levels on rivers and streams in Con Cuong district are rising, causing partial flooding.


Prolonged heavy rains over the recent days have submerged many routes in the Central City of Vinh, Nghe An, causing a number of difficulties for travellers.





Many routes in Vinh City are submerged under more than a foot of water.
