The housing land price per sq m on the street front along vehicle-free Nguyen Hue is the highest in Ho Chi Minh City, according to the latest figures from


Its latest research to the end of October shows the Top 10 most expensive streets in terms of housing land in Ho Chi Minh City. All are located in District 1, which has long been a “golden land”.

Prices on Nguyen Hue average above $49,500 per sq m, followed by Le Loi with $36,900 and Dong Khoi with $31,500.

These are regularly the leading three streets in price in the city. However, their prices were fixed at the ceiling of $7,266 per sq m in the property price list issued in 2015.

Finishing out the Top 10 are Le Anh Xuan, Le Duan, Mac Thi Buoi, Cong Truong Lam Son, Dong Du, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, and Ho Huan Nghiep. also announced the Top 5 districts with the highest average residential land prices. District 1 continues to hold the lead, reaching $9,190 per sq m, then District 3, District 5, District 7 and Phu Nhuan district.

DinhZaDi® is Vietnam’s first property value estimation tool. It provides an estimated market value for a residential property or land. It is automatically computed using’s automated proprietary property valuation algorithm, based on millions of public and private data points for residential properties and land across all 63 cities and provinces in Vietnam.

Founded in 2015, the startup spent a year developing the evaluation tool, which is a proprietary valuation model developed that enables detailed pricing on land, houses and apartments around the country.

VN Economic Times