nguyen mai

Update news nguyen mai

Vietnam set to welcome dual investment flows following COVID-19

Despite FDI shown signs of a slowdown as a result of the negative impact of COVID-19, experts believe that the nation will be able to welcome an array of fresh dual investment after the pandemic.

Evaluating first year of CPTPP in action

The landmark Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership has been in force for more than a year now, influencing the trade activities of member economies. 

Launching a fruitful and bright decade

The year 2020 is expected to bring about both opportunities and challenges for Vietnam to soar higher. 

How is the foreign-invested sector performing in Vietnam?

VietNamNet  Bridge - As the leading economic sector in Vietnam’s economy, foreign invested enterprises (FIEs) make only modest contributions to the state budget.

Vietnam reaps fruits of 30 years of FDI

Thirty years have elapsed since Vietnam ratified the Foreign Investment Law in 1987. Foreign investors committed to invest $312.9 billion by the end of 2017, of which $170 billion was disbursed.

Will US amended tax law divert FDI flow from Vietnam?

Vietnam has been warned that FDI flow to Vietnam could shrink as investors will head for the US, where the corporate income tax (CIT) rate has been cut from 35 percent to 21 percent.

Vietnam must keep up with new industrial revolution

Vietnam’s economy is changing quickly in the wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Professor Nguyen Mai writes on how this revolution can impact the country, particularly in terms of foreign direct investment.

Technology transfer in the last 30 years disappointing

VietNamNet Bridge - Reports all show disappointing results in technology transfer from foreign-invested enterprises to Vietnamese companies. 

A fruitful US-Vietnam partnership

As Vietnam and the US celebrate the 20th anniversary of normalised relations this month, economist Nguyen Mai looks into the vicissitudes of the two countries’ trade relations.