Director of the Centre for Văn Miếu - Quốc Tử Giám Cultural and Scientific Activities, Lê Xuân Kiêu, announced the centre is developing a project on the night tour at the site.

The idea of the project was once again raised by scientists and experts at a seminar to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the centre last month.  

Former director of Hà Nội Department of Culture and Information (currently Department of Culture & Sports), Associate Professor Nguyễn Vĩnh Cát said that there was a time when the Temple of Literature was very active in the night time.

He mentioned the nights of poetry festivals to honour the importance of the study, expressing his hope that the nocturnal activities at the site will continue to be promoted.

After two years of development, the night tour at Văn Miếu – Quốc Tử Giám (the Temple of Literature) is scheduled to launch in July. — Photo

Director Kiêu of the Centre for Văn Miếu - Quốc Tử Giám Cultural and Scientific Activities said that the idea for the night tour first arose in 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic conditions, it could not be deployed.

“As the space of the Temple of Literature is large and spacious with numerous preserved ancient architectural buildings, it’s necessary to design a tour programme suitable for the whole monument complex while being attractive to visitors," Kiêu said. 

"Over the past two years, while developing the tour programme, we have been changing many details. After numerous researches and adjustments, the programme has just been completed.” 

Aiming to promote the historical yet cultural values of this special national relic site, Kiêu stated that the top principle is to appreciate the importance of study and Confucianism – for the same reason it was established in the 11th century, being the country’s first university.

Cutting-edge technologies will play a significant role in telling the story of Vietnamese Confucius, from the main entrance to the Thái Học area, where talents of different dynasties were trained.

“Instead of using the theatrical form, we will use the modern 3D mapping technology, which, through vivid images, will tell different stories about Confucianism, the country’s history and sages," Kiêu said. "The highlight is at the Thái Học yard.”

The night tour will feature 3D mapping technology to tell stories about Confucianism, the country’s history and sages. — Photo

Scheduled to be launched in July, the night tour will be the best part of the Văn Miếu – Quốc Tử Giám walking street that will also be opened soon.

Kiêu said the night tour and any activities held in the future should create a connection between the Temple of Literature and the Văn (Literature) Lake, located right opposite the temple's main gate.

The ground by Văn Lake will be embellished, creating more space for art and cultural activities and exhibitions connected with the relic site.

Talking about the tourism potential of the Văn Miếu – Quốc Tử Giám, specialist Trương Quốc Toàn from the Paris Region International Cooperation Support Agency in Vietnam (PRX Việt Nam) said that the site is an important tourist destination.

It can connect with other significant sightseeing spots in Hà Nội, including the Thăng Long Imperial Citadel, Old Quarter, and the National Museum of History to form thematic interesting tours for domestic and foreign tourists. — VNS