VietNamNet Bridge - PM Nguyen Tan Dung on May 15 had a meeting with voters in Hong Bang district, the Northern city of Hai Phong, during which they expressed their anger at China’s recent act of deploying a drilling rig in Viet Nam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. 


Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung (L) with voters in northern Hai Phong City's Hong Bang District on May 15




The citizens he met agreed that China’s installation of the Haiyang Shiyou-981 drilling rig is an unacceptable act, brazenly violating international law and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, to which China is a signatory.

This act is directly threatening to peace, stability, maritime and aviation security and safety in the East Sea, they said.

They also spoke highly of PM Dung’s speech at the recent 24 th ASEAN Summit, saying that lines like “national territory is sacred, and Viet Nam vehemently denounces acts of infringement and will resolutely protect our national sovereignty and legitimate interests in conformity with the international law” have struck a chord with the Vietnamese people.

Local voters requested that the Party, State and Government carry out effective measures to demand China immediately withdraw its rig out of Viet Nam’s waters and never again violate Viet Nam’s territorial sovereignty.

PM Dung told residents that the international community has supported Viet Nam’s legitimate viewpoint, while no country has raised its voice to back China.

Since China illegally placed its Haiyang Shiyou-981 rig deep in Viet Nam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, Viet Nam has earnestly practised restraint, showed her willingness and used all dialogue channels to protest and demand China withdraw its drilling rig and armed ships out of Viet Nam’s waters. However, China did nothing and continued taking more threatening acts in a more dangerous and serious manner, he told the voters.

Viet Nam will do all it can to maintain political stability and peaceful environment in order to further develop the country, affirmed PM Dung.

The Government leader also informed voters of his May 15 call for social order, sent to ministries, agencies and authorities of centrally-run cities and provinces, in which he asked them to ensure security after protests against China escalated and caused injuries and extensive damage to foreign-owned factories.

During the meeting, members of the public also expressed their hope that the country will pay more attention to solving difficulties for enterprises in order to help them develop business and production.