The Committee on Foreign Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) held a conference in Hanoi on May 4 to inform these organisations on Vietnam’s policies and affairs related to them.


Don Tuan Phong, Vice Chairman and General Secretary of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations

Chairing the function, Don Tuan Phong, Vice Chairman and General Secretary of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations and deputy head of the committee, said information about Vietnamese regulations on the operation of foreign NGOs is set to be released at the conference.

He noted that the conference would collect comments of the participating organisations concerning a number of orientations included in the national programme on cooperation and mobilisation of foreign non-governmental aid for the upcoming period.

As heard at the conference, in the recent time, while existing organisations operated normally, many new ones have registered to run in Vietnam. Most of them followed the Vietnamese law and made efforts to attract more aid projects for the country.

Nguyen Minh Hang, a representative from the Foreign Ministry, gave a report on the implementation of Resolution 12/2012/NG-CP on registration procedure and management of operation of NGOs in Vietnam.   

Phong said his committee will propose measures to facilitate the group’s performance and boost quality of foreign aid in Vietnam to higher-level authorities. 

The committee will increase its information sharing activities, help link localities in need with potential sponsors and organisations, and seek new development paths in its cooperation with non-governmental partners and mobilisation of their aid.-VNA