Non-state schools

Update news Non-state schools

Education Ministry's survey shows weaknesses of non-state universities

A report by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) about the status of non-state universities is nothing new, but the schools complain they are at a disadvantage compared with state-owned schools.

Non-state owned schools lack students

VietNamNet Bridge - People-founded schools still cannot find enough students for the 2015-2016 academic year, though the first phase of the national enrolment plan has ended.

State-owned school mushrooming blamed for the death of non-state schools

 VietNamNet Bridge – More and more state-owned universities have been established in recent years, which have deprived non-state schools of their students.

Non-state schools in state of anxious suspense

 VietNamNet Bridge – While state owned schools now can be sure that they can enroll enough students for the 2013-2014 academic year, people-founded schools still look forward for students’ registrations.