A musical show took place in Ho Chi Minh City on April 22, featuring two one-armed guitarists, Vietnamese teacher Nguyen The Vinh and Japanese Prof. Hashimoto Michinori.


Vietnamese teacher Nguyen The Vinh plays guitar with only the left hand.

The event was co-held by the Vietnam – Japan Friendship Organisation in Ho Chi Minh City and the Japan – Vietnam Peace and Friendship Promotion Council (JVPF).

The two inspirational musicians blew away audience with their touching solo guitar performances with only the left hand. Both are well-known for overcoming their disabilities to master guitar skills.

Vinh, an orphan since childhood, lost his right hand in an accident when he was a third grader.

The show aimed at raising fund for Huong Duong (Sunflower) centre, home to disabled and orphaned children managed by Vinh.