Haiphong City police arrested members of an online gambling ring working at three branches of the Long Nguyen Binh game chain in the city, Le Hong Thang, head of PC02, told local media yesterday.


Many exhibits including cash, mobile phones, and a computer are seized from online gambling activities in this file photo. Haiphong City police arrested members of an online gambling ring working at three branches of the Long Nguyen Binh game chain in the city


PC02 and police in the city’s districts launched raids on the three branches on January 23. At the facility located on Le Thanh Tong Street in Hai An District, the police arrested 11 staff members and security guards, seizing VND180 million, five laptop computers, nine computers, 18 mobile phones, along with other equipment.

At a second branch on Nguyen Binh Street in Ngo Quyen District, three suspects were apprehended while using computers for gambling online, alongside one computer CPU. Officials also report that VND900,000 was seized by police.

Further, two other suspects operating the online gambling were caught at the remaining branch on Cho Hang Street in Le Chan District. The police again seized equipment serving the online gambling.

Based upon investigation results, on January 25 the police temporarily detained 13 suspects involved in the online gambling ring for questioning.

According to preliminary information, the Long Nguyen Binh branch in Hai An District recorded a total amount of gambling virtual money reaching some VND140 million on January 23, equivalent to over VND120 million.

PC02 is launching an extensive investigation into the case.

The gambling ring is reportedly the same as an online gambling ring using the Rikvip app run by Phan Sao Nam, former chairman of local online gaming firm VTC Online.