Open-air art exhibition “Rubbish of the Spring 2018″ is opened to visitors at VICAS Center for Assistance and Development of Contemporary Arts (VICAS ART STUDIO) in Hanoi’s Dong Da District until December 31, 2018.


The Society by Yen Nang, one of four installation artworks on display at “Rubbish of the Spring 2018″

The exhibition offers free entrance from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday, according to the studio’s Facebook fan page.

“Rubbish of the Spring 2018″ features installation artworks by four artists including The Whale by Pham Thi Hong Sam, Seed and Sprout by Ha Huy Muoi, Missing the Woods by Le Duc Hung, and The Society by Yen Nang.

All the artworks are connected in a shared idea: rubbish, by the art, can be something beautiful and useful.

After Lunar New Year, all the peach flower branches become trash. These four artists have reused them as the main materials to create four critical artworks which remind communities of more positive interaction with their ecological and social environment.

The Whale by Pham Thi Hong Sam raises alarm about uncontrolled whale massacres while Seed and Sprout by Ha Huy Muoi tells the story about life, movement and development.

In Missing the Woods, Le Duc Hung shows great concern over widespread deforestation that is destroying the ecosystem, while Yen Nang conveys the message of living with a positive outlook through The Society.