Doctor Nguyen Ba My Nhi of Tu Du Maternity Hospital announced yesterday that all patients having symptoms of swine flu A/H1N1 and quarantined people were discharged from the hospital when showing stable condition after careful treatment and observation. There was no more new patient infected with the disease.


Doctor Nguyen Huu Hung, Deputy Director of the HCMC Department of Health is working with Tu Du Hospital on the outbreak of swine flu here.

At the moment, there are only 5 patients under monitoring in the Laparoscopy Department, one of whom shows no signal of high fever and the other four have no symptoms of influenza.

In the last two days, Tu Du Hospital disinfected all the contact surfaces area of the fifth floor in block M, where the outbreak of swine flu happened. The building has also been sprayed in a rolling manner. It was not allowed to welcome patients anymore.

“Basically, the outbreak is under control now. Therefore, from 12pm June 4, we began to receive patients into the Laparoscopy Department again”, confirmed Doctor Nguyen Ba My Nhi.

She also shared that influenza A/H1N1 is a mild seasonal flu with typical symptoms of high fever, coughing, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, and running nose. Most infected people can recover from this disease by themselves in a week without special treatment.

However, a minor number of them might develop more serious symptoms, which leads to fatality, especially when they belong to the highly dangerous group like children, pregnant women, people with weak immune system, or people with chronic diseases.

To avoid the spread of influenza, patients have to cover their mouth and nose with tissue when coughing. They must also regularly wash their hands.

The best method to prevent being infected with flu is via vaccine injection every year.

According to Doctor Nguyen Huu Hung, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) Department of Health, this is a good warning for all hospitals, especially crowded ones, about the state of virus infection.

He also praised the teams in both Tu Du Hospital and HCMC Hospital for Tropical Diseases as well as the Preventive Medicine Center of HCMC for their timely and swift reactions to effectively eliminate the outbreak.

Doctor Nguyen Huu Hung also suggested that Tu Du Hospital cooperate with the Preventive Medicine Center of HCMC to continue monitoring all infected cases in at least two more weeks.

The task of examining all procedures to prevent virus infection in hospitals as well as raising people’s awareness of the good habit of washing hands should also be improved.