Over the past two months, Vietnamese nationals abroad have joined the millions of people in their home country fulfilling their political responsibility by offering their heartfelt opinions on draft constitutional revisions.


Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh.

Overseas Vietnamese who regularly visit home have positively contributed to the 1992 Constitution’s draft amendments.

Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh described these contributions during a recent interview granted to a Radio Voice of Vietnam reporter.

How have Vietnamese diplomatic agencies abroad contributed their opinions on the proposed constitutional amendments?

Mr Vinh: The Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) has coordinated with the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) to develop the communication criteria and collect the opinions of the overseas Vietnamese community.

The MoFA directed Vietnamese representative agencies abroad to meet with and pass on the draft amendments to overseas Vietnamese. The agencies were instructed to collate their feedback for submission to the VFF.

How have overseas Vietnamese showed their interest in the homeland’s political developments?

Mr Vinh: The opinions of individuals and associations sent to the VFF have already been collected.

Overseas Vietnamese who regularly visit their homeland are very interested in the constitutional amendments. Their opinions can be submitted in a number of ways—direct mail, email, and via professional associations.

What is the main focus of overseas Vietnamese opinions on the Constitution?

Mr Vinh: They pay attention to various aspects but the Political Bureau’s Resolution 36 on Overseas Vietnamese affairs directly affects them. It regards Vietnamese nationals abroad as part of the national community.

Their opinions on the draft constitutional amendments seemed intended to ensure the equal rights of Vietnamese citizens at home and abroad.

In addition, Vietnamese scientists and experts residing overseas offered their thoughts on macroscopic issues.

With more than 4 million Vietnamese residents living abroad and a community including all walks of life, what are the advantages and disadvantages of polling their opinions?

Mr Vinh: The Vietnamese community abroad is incredibly diverse, existing in all social strata and approaching politics with very different attitudes and motivations.

Improving communication with the community is very important and Vietnamese diplomatic agencies should pay the issue the attention it deserves.  We focus on overseas Vietnamese who have close relations with the homeland and are fully aware of national policies, regulations, and orientations.

Source: VOV