Convicted paedophile comedian Minh Beo has offered a public apology for the first time in a clip posted online.

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Minh Beo delivers the public apology (photo taken from the clip by

In the 3-minute clip published on May 8, Minh Beo used a Bodhisattva statue as a background prop with him, clasping his hands to deliver an apology after being convicted of sexual offenses against children in the US. 

The 39-year old comedian was deported from the US after serving nine months in jail following a conviction for sexually molesting a 16-year-old boy and attempting to commit a lewd act on a child under 14.

Since returning to Vietnam, the convicted sex offender faced criticism from the public and fellow artists.

“My apology may be late, but if you were in my condition, you would understand and be more sympathetic with me who had faced terrible shame for my faults. I’d like to apologise to people, particularly those who gave me special love,” he said in tears in the clip.

He added that many who trusted in him might have been shocked or even haunted by what he had done. He welcomed any reactions from the public, whether encouragement or scorn.

Minh Beo also said that he still wanted to work in the entertainment sector. He plans to return to his Sao Minh Beo Theatre soon, but wondered whether he would be accepted by the public. He again tried to stress that the theatre’s main purposes is for the charity activities.

He explained that the happy statues and images which were published on Facebook and caused the public outrage right after he came back Vietnam last year from the US were fake. 

The apology video was posted some days after the Vietnam Television cut all scenes featuring Minh Beo in the film Buoc Nhay Hoan Vu (Dancing With the Stars).
