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From the pinnacle of Pal Sol Steppe, tourists can marvel at the breathtaking sunrise and sunset scenes - PHOTOS: NHU TRUC

Located on the border between Dak Lak and Gia Lai provinces, primarily in Ea H’leo District, Dak Lak Province, Pal Sol Steppe offers visitors the choice of trekking or motorbike rides to explore its terrain. However, most opt for trekking, relishing the opportunity to traverse the trails while soaking in the area’s breathtaking scenery.

The trekking route that leads to Pal Sol Steppe involves navigating through the Central Highlands’ characteristic slopes. The path is suitable for individuals of all ages, with minimal challenges. The natural landscape is ideal for outdoor activities such as overnight camping and barbecue gatherings.

One of the most remarkable experiences awaiting tourists at the summit of Pal Sol Steppe is the awe-inspiring sunset and sunrise vistas across the boundless steppe.

These moments leave an indelible impression on those fortunate enough to witness them. Visitors will feel as if they had become one with the vast steppe, basking in the gentle caress of the wind and the radiant rays of sunlight bathing the green plains, hills, and the endless expanse of verdant carpet.

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A visit to Pal Sol also offers glimpses of expansive coffee plantations, a taste of the gong culture of the Central Highlands, and an immersion in the serene and rustic lifestyle of the local people.

Due to its remote location, Pal Sol is best enjoyed by trekking enthusiasts who should plan their trip meticulously. Travelers are advised to carry minimal and lightweight personal belongings to facilitate easy movement.

The optimal time to visit Pal Sol Steppe is from June to October when the lush grass reaches its full height, and gurgling streams offer cool refreshment, creating an ideal setting for picnics with family and friends.

Springtime in Pal Sol showcases the unique and untamed beauty of the steppe, as the grass takes on a golden hue, imparting a serene feeling of harmony between humans and nature.

Source: Saigon Times