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A pilot made an error when preparing to land, had an accident and then died at the hospital, on the second day of the Kon Tum Provincial Paragliding Tournament, the organiser officially declared on Sunday.

While preparing to land on an empty lot on Saturday, the paraglider, a male athlete from Hà Nội, suddenly twisted, causing him fall from height to the ground.

The incident happened quite quickly, in just about three seconds.

Immediately after the incident, rescue forces on duty quickly took the pilot to hospital for emergency aid.

Leaders of the Kon Tum Provincial General Hospital said that the victim was hospitalised in a deep coma, with multiple traumatic brain injuries, chest injuries and a broken pelvis.

He died about three hours after arriving at the hospital.

The Kon Tum Paragliding Tournament, with the theme "Discovering the great forest – Sa Thầy 2024", was held from March 22-24 by the Sa Thầy District People's Committee and the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

This is the third time the tournament has been hosted by this locality, attracting 130 domestic and international paragliding pilots. — VNS