Most people spend an all-nighter or two during their school days, but few people expect to have to pull an all-nighter on behalf of their children’s school carreer. 


However: every year when summer comes, parents across the country wait overnight at school gates to register their children for kindergarten or grade 1 at primary schools.

This year, as usual, the first area to see the trend was Binh Duong Province.

On Sunday night, hundreds of parents brought pillows, sleeping mats or hammocks to the school gate of the Tuy An Primary School in Thuan An Town to wait to register for their children to grade 1.

Some even slept on their motorbike saddles.


Everyone was ready with documents in hands.

The school is in an area with a lots of workers, so if people want their kids in school, they must register early.

With an increasing population and public schools that do not meet demand, the problem may cause sleepless nights for parents for many years to come.