Members of the 12th Party Central Committee passed a number of important documents that lay the foundation for the stronger reform of the Party’s administration and renovation of leadership, during their four-day third session that concluded on July 7.


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong addresses the session.

They agreed in principle on the operation regulations of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, and the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission from the 12th tenure.

Compared to the previous tenure, the operation regulations of the 12th Party Central Committee, the Politburo and the Secretariat have been amended and supplemented with important new contents regarding the obligations and rights of the Politburo in giving orientations, goals and major solutions for socio-economic development.

Meanwhile, the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission will get more responsibilities and rights in examining and supervising the stocktaking of assets owned by officials under the management of the Politburo and the Secretariat.

The committee members also reached consensus on the introduction of personnel for senior positions at State agencies of the 2016-2021 tenure.

They decided to continue introducing to the new National Assembly the positions of State President, Prime Minister, National Assembly Chairman and other leadership seats that were introduced by voting or approved during the previous session in March this year.

They also proposed nominees for the titles that they did not work on in the previous session or might be changed, so that the Politburo can officially propose them to the new National Assembly for consideration, election and approval.

Addressing the session, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasised that the committee should fulfil its duty and rights over major and important issues of the country, Party and State, including deciding key strategies and policies on socio-economy and State budget in the next five year and for each individual year, together with national defence, security, foreign relations, Party building and personnel work.

In order to reach set targets in the second half of this year and for the whole year, the Party leader called for stronger efforts to seek measures to deal with urgent problems, and focus resources for socio-economic development.

He also urged for effective implementation of strategic breakthrough measures and speed up the restructuring of State-owned enterprises and the State budget, while settling bad debts and ensuring a safe level of public debt.

The Party leader also asked for stronger efforts in building the Party, combating corruption and resolutely safeguarding national independence and sovereignty and territorial integrity, ensuring a peaceful and stable environment for national growth as well as active international integration.

Besides, it is necessary to focus on ideology, communication and media work, thus creating consensus in the community and deal with wrongful arguments, he asked.

Party Central Committee’s third plenum completes set agenda

The 12th Party Central Committee made decisions on major matters during its four-day plenum which concluded in Hanoi on July 7.

The delegates approved working regulations of the Party Central Committee and its Politburo, Secretariat and Inspection Commission with many new points and rules that are specific, cohesive and suitable to the current reality.

Such documents clarify the competencies and responsibilities of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat and the Party General Secretary for important issues of the Party and the nation across a number of fields.

The participants gave feedback to regulations on the enforcement of the Party Statute as well as rules on Party inspection, supervision and discipline work, focusing on subjects to and the contents of inspections and Party cells’ disciplinary power, among others.

They reached a strong consensus on proposals on candidates for top positions at State agencies during 2016-2021 to be submitted to the new National Assembly’s first session.

The meeting looked into the Politburo’s report on remarkable jobs the agency has done since the second plenum of the 12 th Party Central Committee.

The Party Central Committee called on the entire Party, people and army to carry forward achievements they have recorded, fix limitations and weaknesses, and strengthen the great national unity bloc to fulfill socio-economic targets set for the second half of 2016 and the whole year.

Party Central Committee’s third plenum concludes

The 12th Party Central Committee wrapped up its third plenum in Hanoi on July 7 after four days of sitting, completing all its set objectives.

The plenum was presided over by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

At the closing session, Politburo member and Secretary of the Party Central Committee Pham Minh Chinh, who is also head of the committee’s ​Organisation Commission, presented the Politburo’s report on acquiring feedback on proposals of personnel for top positions of State agencies to be submitted to the 14th National Assembly for election or approval at its first session.

The committee members also proposed leading personnel of State agencies for the 14 th National Assembly to elect or ratify at its first session.

They then elected additional members of the Inspection Commission in the 12th tenure after hearing the Politburo’s report on this regard.

Politburo member and permanent member of the Secretariat Dinh The Huynh delivered another report of the Politburo acquiring opinions on draft working regulations of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat and the Inspection Commission.

The Politburo’s report on acquiring feedback on draft regulations concerning the enforcement of the Party Statute and draft rules on Party inspection, supervision and discipline work was also under scrutiny.

The Party Central Committee passed a resolution on its third plenum.