The Party Central Committee on October 6 wrapped up its 8th plenum after five days of working, with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in the chair. It issued an announcement on the work of the plenum.

The 8th plenum of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam wrapped up in Hanoi on October 6 after five days of working, completing all items on the agenda.


In his closing speech, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said the Party Central Committee and other delegates had carefully studied and discussed in depth the submitted reports and proposals.

The Party Central Committee took note of positive changes in socio-economic situation in the first nine months of 2018 thanks to efforts of the entire Party, people and armed forces. 

The committee pinpointed and analysed difficulties, challenges and potential factors that can affect national development, and agreed that more efforts are needed to fulfil the targets and tasks of 2018. 

In 2019, it is necessary to continue strengthening macro-economic foundation, controlling inflation and enhancing capacity to respond to abnormal changes in the market, especially the world market; maintain the growth momentum on the basis of further improving the environment and business environment, raising productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy in association with accelerating three strategic breakthroughs, economic restructuring and growth model renovation. 

Besides, the Party Central Committee stressed the need to promote administrative and judicial reform, streamline the organisation and apparatus. Along with economic growth, attention should be paid to socio-cultural development, environmental protection, improvement of social welfare and living conditions, while strengthening national defence and security, maintaining political stability and social order and safety, proactively pushing forward with international integration and external relations. 

The Party Central Committee reached high consensus about assessments of the outcomes of the implementation of Resolution 09, and unanimously agreed to issue a new resolution on the strategy for sustainable development of the sea-based economy to 2030 with a vision to 2045. 

The committee stressed the resolution and persistence to defend national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interests in waters and islands subject to national sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, while settling disputes by peaceful measures on the basis of international law including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, thus ensuring a peaceful, stable environment, national security and social order and safety in waters and islands for sustainable economic development. 

Party General Secretary Trong stressed that attention should be paid to education and popularization work to raise awareness and consensus within the Party and among the public during the implementation of the resolution. 

The committee reached high consensus on the release of regulations on the responsibility for setting example of Party members and officials, especially Politburo members, members of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and the Party Central Committee. The committee assigned the Politburo to consider feedback in written form from Party Central Committee members and finalise the regulations for early issuance.

The Party Central Committee decided to establish five sub-committees to prepare for the 13th National Party Congress. The sub-committees will take charge of congress’s documents; socio-economic issues; Party statutes; personnel matters; and organizational work, respectively.

The committee agreed to introduce General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as a candidate for the post of State President, to be elected in the 14th National Assembly’s sixth session. It elected two additional members to its Inspection Commission.

The committee reviewed and decided to take disciplinary measures against Nguyen Bac Son, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Secretary of the Party Committee and former Minister of Information and Communications by stripping his positions as a member in the 11th Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of the ministry for the 2011-2016 tenure.
It also decided to take disciplinary measures against Tran Van Minh, former member of the Party Central Committee, former deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission, former Vice Secretary of the Da Nang City Party Committee and former Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee by expelling him from the Party.

Concluding the eighth plenum, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said the country has seen positive and comprehensive development in multiple fields in 2018 but many challenges remain ahead. He urged each committee’s member to focus on their work to effectively implement the session’s resolutions, conclusions and regulations, contributing to the fulfillment of the country’s socio-economic development goals in 2018 and the following years. 

Party Central Committee issues announcement on 8th plenum

Participants of the plenum passed the basic contents of the resolution on the strategy on sustainably developing Vietnam’s sea-based economy to 2030, with a vision to 2045. The Party Central Committee assigned the Political Bureau to perfect, officially issue and organize the implementation of the resolution.

The Committee adopted the conclusion on the socio-economic situation and the state budget in 2018 as well as the plan on socio-economic development and state budget projection for 2019. Participants also reached a consensus to nominate General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong for the National Assembly to elect to the position of the President of the state in its coming 6th session.

During the plenum, the Committee considered and decided on the issue of the provisions on the responsibility of party members and officials - first of all members of the Political Bureau, the Secretariat and the Central Committe - to set example. It also considered and decided to establish sub-committees to prepare for the 13th Party Congress, and elected two additional members to the Inspection Commission of the 12th Party Central Committee.

The Committee considered and decided to take a disciplinary measure against Nguyen Bac Son, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Secretary of the Party Committee and former Minister of Information and Communications by stripping him of his position of a member of the 11th Party Central Committee and the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the 2011-2016 tenure.

Besides, the Committee also considered and decided to take a disciplinary measure against Tran Van Minh, former member of the Party Central Committee, former deputy head of its Organization Commission, former Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee, former Secretary of the Party Committee and former Chairman of the Da Nang People’s Committee, by expelling him from the Party.

The Party Central Committee considered and discussed a report on the important work done by the Political Bureau from the 7th plenum to the 8th one, a report on the Party’s financial work for 2017 and a number of other important issues. It also called on the whole Party, people and army to strive so as to successfully achieve the goals set for 2018 and the following years.-VNA