Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has hailed the ongoing visit by Speaker of the Parliament of Bangladesh Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury as a significant contribution to bilateral ties.


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives Speaker of the Parliament of Bangladesh Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury

At a reception for the top Bangladeshi legislator on July 23, the Party chief expressed his hope that the relationship between the two countries would thrive, meeting the practical needs of both countries and their people.

“The Communist Party of Vietnam and Vietnamese people always attach much importance to the traditional friendship and cooperation with Bangladesh,” he stressed.

“On the basis of such a fine relationship and other similarities, both sides should take concrete measures to implement more effectively our signed agreements, especially strengthening economic cooperation to bring it in line with sound political ties,” he suggested. 

Applauding Bangladesh’s achievements, General Secretary Trong said he was convinced that the Bangladeshi Government and people would reap further success in building a country of peace, development and prosperity, contributing to regional and international peace, stability and development.

Speaker Chaudhury said she hoped Vietnam continues its robust growth, adding that Bangladesh has always treasured the promotion of sound traditional friendship and cooperation with Vietnam.

Bangladesh is ready to share experience with Vietnam in the fields of its strength, and reinforce cooperation with the Southeast Asian nation in all areas, she said.

The top parliamentary official extended an invitation to Party General Secretary Trong to visit Bangladesh at a convenient time.

President hosts Bangladesh Parliament Speaker

President Tran Dai Quang (R) and Speaker of the Parliament of Bangladesh Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury

Vietnam always treasures and wants to further develop its traditional friendship and cooperation with Bangladesh, President Tran Dai Quang told Speaker of the Parliament of Bangladesh Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury during a reception in Hanoi on July 21. 

The Vietnamese President spoke highly of the outcomes of talks between his guest and National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, and important agreements reached during the visit. 

The host asked both sides to continue working closely together at regional and global forums, and urged Bangladesh to support Vietnam’s bid to become a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure and UNESCO General Director for 2017-2022. 

Chaudhury, who is on a Vietnam visit from July 20-24 at the invitation of NA Chairwoman Ngan, affirmed that Bangladesh wishes  to expand its traditional friendship and all-around cooperation with Vietnam, as well as support the Southeast Asian nation at regional and global forums and organisations. 

Informing the host of the outcomes of her talks with the Vietnamese top legislator, Chaudhury said both sides agreed to continue maintaining the exchange of all-level visits between the two legislatures each year, with a view to sharing experience in law-building and supervising the implementation of cooperation agreements.

The two leaders noted with pleasure the closer political relations, as well as fruitful cooperation in economy, trade and other fields between the two nations, saying that these have significantly contributed to promoting socio-economic development in each nation. 

President Tran Dai Quang suggested the two sides continue maintaining the exchange of visits at all levels, effectively implement existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms, and take specific measures to realise the goal of 1 billion USD in two-way trade.

He said Vietnam supports expanding bilateral links in chemicals, mechanical engineering, food processing, textiles, communications and transport while seeking possibilities to boost collaboration in security-defence, science-technology, education-training and culture.

Chaudhury said the two countries should father promote trade exchanges and create favourable conditions for their enterprises to seek investment opportunities.

She revealed that her country established hundreds of economic zones and launched open-door policies, simplified administrative procedures, and invested more in infrastructure development to attract more investment. 

She called on Vietnam to pour cash into Bangladesh, and hoped it will serve as a gateway for his country’s products to make inroads into other ASEAN member nations. 

Both host and guest agreed that Vietnam and Bangladesh need to step up cooperation, share experience and support each other in adapting to climate change, which causes negative impacts in both nations.