The Party General Secretary’s special envoy Hoang Binh Quan has described the continual reinforcement and development of traditional friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos as a strategic and vital issue to the respective cause of national building and defence, thus contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and beyond.


LPRP General Secretary Bounnhang Volachith (L) shakes hands with the Vietnamese Party General Secretary's special envoy Hoang Binh Quan (Source: VOV)

The Vietnamese Party, State and people vow to exert every effort, together with our Lao counterparts, to nurture and promote bilateral rapport among the future generations, he told General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Bounnhang Volachith at a meeting in Vientiane on February 18.

Quan, who is also a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and head of the Central Committee’s Commission for External Affairs, hailed the successful 10th National Party Congress of the LPRP as a significant political event marking a new development stage of Laos ’s revolution.

He expressed his belief that Laos will reap more fruits in the next few years under the leadership of the LPRP and build Laos into a country of peace, independence, democracy, unity, and prosperity towards the goal of socialism.

The Lao Party chief thanked his Vietnamese counterpart for sending a special envoy to convey congratulations to the LPRP on the successful 10th National Party Congress.

He also congratulated Vietnam on the successful organisation of the 12th National Party Congress and praised the significant achievements that Vietnam has gained during 30 years of renovation and five years of implementing the Resolution of the 11th congress.

The same day, the Vietnamese special envoy met with Lao Deputy Prime Minister Phankham Viphavan to inform him of the outcomes of the 12th National Party Congress.

The two sides exchanged measures to strengthen their traditional friendship, solidarity and all-around cooperation.