Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress cast their votes on members of the 12th Party Central Committee in Hanoi in the morning of January 26.


Delegates cast their votes on members of the 12th Party Central Committee.

In the afternoon, the Presidium is scheduled to deliver a report responding to delegates’ opinions on documents of the 12th National Party Congress.

Delegates will vote on several issues under the documents, if necessary.

The vote counting board is due to announce the results of the voting on the 12th Party Central Committee and the list of the new Central Committee.

The day before, the Congress voted to approve the list of supplementary nominations and withdrawals from the list of additional nominees.

The Congress then adopted the list of candidates for the 12th Party Central Committee.

Earlier, the congress approved that the 12th Party Central Committee will have 200 members, including 180 official and 20 alternate ones.

Argentine press eulogises Communist Party of Vietnam

Argentina’s Resumen Latinoamericano newspaper on January 25 ran an editorial praising the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on the occasion of the ongoing 12 National Party Congress in Hanoi.

In the editorial, the newspaper’s editor-in-chief Carlos Aznarez highlighted the significant congress, saying with the motto “Solidarity – democracy – discipline – renovation”, the congress shows strong determination to stepping up reform comprehensively and synchronously and promote the country’s rapid and sustainable development.

At the congress, the CPV would define orientations to speed up the country’s development in the context of global crisis, and to deal with new challenges, the article noted.

Delegates discussed issues relating to safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and improving the efficiency of industrial development, fostering agriculture and rural development, and reinforcing the great unity of the Party, people and army.

All the issues are being discussed in the spirit of equality, to find out the most judicious way to fulfill targets set for the country, thus bringing stronger development to the nation in the next five years, according to the editorial.

The congress also focused the active participation of the youth in Vietnam’s socialism building and their commitments to each task set at the congress, said the editorial, affirming the Vietnamese young people will propose new initiatives to promote revolution, contributing to training young staff and combating corruption.

In addition to Argentia, the newspaper is published in Uruguay, Venezuela, Cuba and Europe.

Party Congress delegates hail reports’ honesty

The Party has made an honest assessment of both successes and mistakes in reports submitted to the 12th National Party Congress, many delegates said.

“I think it was a very straightforward review”, Dang Quoc Vinh, a delegate from Ha Tinh province told Vietnam News Agency reporters on the sidelines of the congress.

Meanwhile, Nguyen Minh Hung, a delegate from Hai Duong, noted that the Party has been open to all suggestions put forward by Party members and the public at local


He expressed his belief that the implementation of the Party Congress’ resolution will create an important breakthrough that pushes socio-economic development forward.

Delegate Ngo Duy Hieu from Hanoi believed that Party building work should be always carried out alongside economic development.

He called for measures to enhance the efficient and transparency of the Party’s inspection and supervision work, adding that the punishment of Party members who violate

the law should be made public under the supervision of the people.

OVs give high expectations of Party Congress

Many overseas Vietnamese (OVs) in Russia and France are looking forward to the 12th National Party Congress, hoping it will set fourth judicious decisions and create impetus for the country’s development.

Le Dinh Vu, Vice President of the Vietnamese Association in St. Petersburg, Russia highlighted the significance of the political event, expressing his belief that under the

leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), the nation will reap new socio-economic achievements.

He hopes the congress will elect moral and competent leaders, helping outline policies to strengthen the country’s development.

Sharing his opinion of the congress, Prof. Vladimir Kolotov from Russia's Saint Petersburg National University stressed that Vietnam’s diplomacy achieved successes and its economy recorded impressive trade growth.

He attributed Vietnam’s achievements to its political stability, affirming that the CPV – the only political party in power in Vietnam – has significantly contributed to these.

Kolotov also hoped for strengthened ties in all fields between Vietnam and Russia in the future.

Meanwhile, OVs in France are expecting that decisions put forth at the congress will help the country make breakthroughs in all fields, contributing to improving the country’s position in the international arena.

Kim Van Chien, a lecturer at the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense (Paris X University), said it is necessary to have appropriate policies related to economics,

health, education and social security, saying that these are vital to promote the nation’s integration process, socio-economic development and poverty reduction.