Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress discussed the documents presented to the Congress on the morning of January 23, focusing on how to build a uniform policy for national industrial development and a modern agriculture sector.


Politburo member and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung (middle) and delegates.

The discussion was presided over by 11th tenure Politburo member and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

11th tenure Party Central Committee member and Standing deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission Pham Xuan Duong, delivered a presentation specifying orientations to map out a national industry development policy with the aim of speeding up and improving the country’s industrialisation and modernisation in 2016-2020.

Accordingly, the national industrial development policy should fully comply with the market’s rules and become part of the processes of building a complete institution of the socialist-oriented market economy, transforming the growth modal, restructuring the economy and implementing the three breakthroughs set earlier, Duong argued, on behalf of the Economic Commission.

The policy needs to maximise the strength of all available resources at home, while also attracting foreign resources. It should be grounded on science and technology, a respect for renovations and creations, and ensuring the relationship between industry and trade, he said.

To realise the above viewpoints, the Economic Commission came up with an array of solutions for the 2016-2020 period with a vision towards 2035.

The solutions include utilising natural resources efficiently, actualising the comparative advantages and human resources to better the quality of industrialisation, modernisation and international integration; strengthening macro-economic stability, raising productivity and placing importance on sustainable development as set forth in the United Nation’s 2030 agenda; categorising national industry policies in groups; increasing investments in scientific and technological research, and applications in production and business; stepping up the application of information technology in State administration and management, and the governance of national industry; establishing risk investment funds in the science and technology fields; and improving the quality of human resources in service of industrialisation and modernisation.

Regarding the issue of building a modern agriculture, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat suggested restructuring agriculture towards modernised methods that earn a higher added value through more efficient operation.

The rural area construction campaign should continue in a bid to dramatically improve rural people’s living standards. The agriculture sector needs to have a developed infrastructure that could help it respond and mitigate the consequences of national disasters. The protection of the environment and the proper and efficient utility of natural resources were recommended.

He also proposed developing agriculture-forestry businesses and other partnerships that connect producers and dealers in a value chain domestically and globally. New style agriculture co-operatives should encourage farmers to team up in producing products in a large scale with quality and safety standards that can be sold beyond the country.

The application of scientific and technological advances in production and services should be accelerated to create breakthroughs in productivity, quality and competiveness of products. Businesses should be encouraged to get involved in researching and transferring scientific and technological advances. Farmers should be given adequate training, the Minister stressed.

He pointed to the need to continue rallying all resources for the development of infrastructure in the agricultural sector and rural areas, which will enhance the capacity of adapting to climate change.

A priority should be given to making upgrades to essential infrastructural facilities in poverty-struck communes to enable them to promote sound socio-economic development, and bring more direct benefits for local people, he said.

Party Congress continues with documents discussion

Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress continued to discuss a number of documents in Hanoi on January 22 under the chair of Politburo member and President Truong Tan Sang.

Regarding growth model renovation and economic restructuring, Secretary of the Hai Phong municipal Party Committee Le Van Thanh suggested considering the combination of extensive and intensive development and the possible application of one common growth model for the whole country.

Localities that have economic difficulties should focus on extensive development to attract investment, create jobs for locals and boosting economic restructure. Meanwhile, cities and provinces with rapid industrialisation should focus on quality growth to increase productivity and competitiveness for their economies, he recommended.

President of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Ta Ngoc Tan said the current development requires a specific socialist model for Vietnam which combines both the universal values of socialism and the country’s own characteristics.

He said the reality in socialism building and national defence as well as the 30-year Doi Moi cause in Vietnam has produced valuable experiences and lessons. At the same time, many issues have arisen, which needs creative use of Marxism-Leninism viewpoints, Ho Chi Minh Thought to analyse and explain.

Developing the country along the socialist direction requires both economic and political reform, he said.

Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chief Judge of the Supreme People’s Court Truong Hoa Binh asked for the Politburo’ permission to submit to the National Assembly’s Standing Committee a project to increase the number of judges and officials for People’s Courts at all levels nationwide, in order to assist the judicial reform in the 2016-2020 period.

He also proposed researching a suitable model for Party organisations in People’s Courts which meets both the stipulations of the Party’s statutes, directions and resolutions and the principle of independent judgment and other basic principles stipulated by the 2013 Constitution.

Member of Party Central Committee and Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien proposed the 12th Party Central Committee issue a Resolution on improving public healthcare and population quality in the new situation. She also asked the National Assembly and Government to arrange medium-term bonds in the field, especially for remote and underprivileged regions.

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh delivered his opinion on cultural and human development, suggesting preserving and promoting good traditional cultural values while tackling the relations between the nation and the international community for successful integration.

In the afternoon, a delegate from Can Tho city delivered a report on building the city into a high-quality human resources training centre in the Mekong Delta. Meanwhile, a representative from the central province of Thanh Hoa, proposed a number of measures to improve local and national business environments – to enhance competitive edge.

Delegates’ ideas help enrich Party Congress’s documents

12th National Party Congress delegates have joined in clarifying, enriching and supplementing the documents submitted to the Congress as said the Congress Secretariat on the morning of January 23.

Through their 686 opinions, the delegates agreed that the documents had been prepared meticulously, thoroughly and seriously with tight and logical structure and concise contents.

The reports also selectively acquired the ideas collected from Party Congresses at the grassroots level as well as suggestions made by organisations and individuals.

During the discussions, many delegates asked for supplementing, perfecting and further clarifying several assessments, forecasts, targets, points of view, tasks and measures mentioned in the documents.

They also proposed adjusting some targets and changing the wording of the reports.

The 12th Party Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam is taking place in Hanoi from January 20-28.-

More congratulations sent to 12th National Party Congress

Thirty more messages of congratulations have been sent to the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam from foreign parties, organisations and international friends, according to the Secretariat of the Congress.

The newly-arrived congratulatory messages included five from Asia, 12 from Europe, seven from America, and six from embassies in Vietnam.

As by January 23, the 12th National Party Congress was congratulated by 197 foreign parties, organisations and international friends worldwide.

The 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam opened at Hanoi’s National Convention Centre on January 21 and will run through April 28.

The Congress is themed “Promoting the building of a pure and strong Party, while putting into play the strength of the entire nation and socialist democracy, stepping up reform comprehensively and synchronously, firmly safeguarding the Fatherland and maintaining a peaceful and stable environment, and striving to turn Vietnam into a modernity-oriented industrialised country”.

A total of 1,510 delegates representing more than 4.5 million Party members attended the event.

The Congress will focus on reviewing the implementation of the Resolution of the 11th National Party Congress and the three decades of Doi Moi (Reform), drawing lessons, and defining orientations, goals and missions for the entire Party, people and army in the next five years.

12th National Party Congress discusses documents

The 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam spent the third working day discussing documents, said the Congress’s press release on January 22.

In the morning, Politburo member and National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung representing the Presidium chaired the meeting.

Eleven delegates from Party delegations of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the army, the Ministry of Public Security, the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Popularisation and Education, the Transport Ministry, the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Quang Ngai Province and the Ministry of Industry and Trade spoke their opinions.

In the afternoon, Politburo member and President Truong Tan Sang chaired the working session.

A further 11 delegates from the Party delegations of Hai Phong City, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, the Supreme People’s Court the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Can Tho City, Thanh Hoa Province, the Ministry of Finance, Quang Ninh Province, Dien Bien Province and the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission delivered their viewpoints.

The discussions were held in a heated, straightforward and democratic manner.

On January 23, the Congress is due to continue discussing documents and listen to a report on personnel work for the 12th Party Central Committee made by the 11th Party Central Committee.-