The 12th National Party Congress will mark Vietnam’s transformation into a modern, prosperous, equitable and sustainable society, Carlos Alzugaray, a former Cuban Ambassador in many EU countries told the Vietnam News Agency in Havana.


According to Alzugaray, who is also a Cuban diplomat and researcher of international relations, Vietnam’s new economic model perfectly suits its characteristics and is the most outstanding achievement of the Doi Moi (Reform) process led by the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) over the past 30 years.

The model has helped Vietnam carry forward with the strength of a country that has experienced struggle and sacrified much for national independence and reunification, he said.

The diplomat said the Southeast Asian nation hast set a bright example of shortening the transitional period towards socialism, which he described as a hard and complicated process.

The reform has helped elevate Vietnam’s position and prestige in the region, becoming an important economic partner in the world, he noted.

Alzugaray said documents submitted to the 12 th National Party Congress mirror a constructive spirit to move toward social equality, despite the global economic crisis.

Vietnam boasts experience passed on by generations of Party leaders through different periods, he said, lauding the Party’s democratic discussions.

Vietnamese Party leaders are always willing to hold dialogues with the public on issues regarding the realisation of the Party’s guidelines and policies, he added.

The expert said he is impressed by Vietnam’s institutionalisation of decision-making models in the Party in a democratic fashion, describing this as a noted point in the 12th National Party Congress.

Stressing the close friendship between the CPV and the Communist Party of Cuba, Alzugaray suggested the two sides exchange experience in various fields.

Vietnam has adopted a new economic model that encourages production and has become a dynamic economy with many exports such coffee, rice and industrial products. Meanwhile, Cuba has made progress in social welfare, he explained.

The ongoing 12th National Party Congress has also attracted the interest of international media.

Venezuela’s Rincon de Orinoco newspaper ran an article by Angel Miguel Bastidas saying the Congress is an important political event, as it puts forth major decisions and policies. The national development plan for the next five years will help Vietnam become a modern, industrialised country.

Overseas Vietnamese pin hopes on new Party leaders

Overseas Vietnamese in the Czech Republic have expressed their hope that the new leaders of the 12th Party Central Committee will work to push the country’s development forward.

President of the Association of Vietnamese People in the Czech Republic Hoang Dinh Thang said the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam is a significant political event that will set orientations for the nation’s development and increasing position in the global arena.

Vietnamese at home and abroad expect the Congress will be a success, he said, on behalf of over 65,000 Vietnamese expatriates in the Czech Republic.

In Algeria, the Vietnamese community is closely following the 12th National Party Congress, which is expected to roll out policies to develop the country amid global economic integration.

The Congress is also expected to put forth more policies to support Overseas Vietnamese, said Pham Do Nhat Quang, head of the liaison committee for the Vietnamese community in Algeria.

The 12th National Party Congress is taking place in Hanoi from January 21 to 28.

The list of newly elected members of the 12th Party Central Committee was announced on January 26 at a plenary session of the 12th National Party Congress.

The Congress has approved the voting results. The new Party Central Committee has 200 members, comprising 180 official members and 20 alternate ones.