The 11th Party Central Committee's report on documents submitted to the 12th National Party Congress defines the fight against corruption and wastefulness as an important task, but also a difficult one that will take time to accomplish.


Delegates meet in the lobby of the meeting hall.


Talking with the Vietnam News Agency on the sidelines of the ongoing 12th National Party Congress, many delegates stressed the importance of anti-corruption efforts, saying that combating corruption requires the participation of the entire society to bring about greater change.

Delegate Le Hoang Phung from Lam Dong Province suggested putting anti-corruption work at the top of the agenda. He said this is the aspiration of the whole Party and people, and one of the tasks of all-level Party organisations.

Delegate Nguyen Van Cong from Dong Thap Province stressed the need to control the income of officials, especially those in charge of sensitive economic sectors.

Echoing the delegates' views, delegate Nguyen Viet Dung from HCM City said publicity and transparency are the most important tools in the fight against corruption.

He also highlighted society's role in building and enacting relevant guidelines and policies for the Party and the State.

Delegate Vu Trong Kim, Vice President and General Secretary of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front Central Committee, urged consistent efforts to fight corruption, adding that the work would yield better results if it were supervised by the public.

Major General Truong Gia Long, from the Party Organisation of the Ministry of Public Security, said it is necessary to accelerate the building of a pure and strong Party.

Apart from raising awareness and responsibility of each Party official for the issue, the Party should work to win the confidence of the population and join hands in the national reform cause, he suggested.

Delegates laud reports

Delegates lauded political reports presented at the event, saying they had been prepared thoroughly and gathered together the opinions of Party members nationwide.

Nghiem Xuan Thanh, a representative of the Party Central Committee's Business Bloc, said through discussions, the delegates reached consensus on the achievements Viet Nam had recorded over the past five years.

In the context of complicated regional and global situations, the country had basically stabilised the macro-economy, curbed inflation and kept economic growth at an appropriate level.

The delegates attributed these attainments to monetary policies issued by the banking sector, Thanh said.

The Congress also outlined tasks for the next five years that would continue the restructuring of economic sectors dovetailed with growth model reform and focusing on investment overhaul - beginning with public investment.

According to Thanh, commercial banks, credit institutions and businesses, especially State-owned groups and corporations, would be revamped. At the same time, more efforts would be made to effectively control bad debt and guarantee public debts of State-owned enterprises within the safety level.

Pham Manh Thuong, a delegate from the northern province of Bac Giang, said the Congress required the brainpower of all delegates to continue with reform, development and integration, voicing his belief that Viet Nam would become a prosperous industrialised country soon.

Pham Manh Dao from the southern province of Dong Nai underlined the need for Viet Nam to make thorough preparations for integration in terms of productivity, price and quality, describing integration as an international playground.

Pham Thien Nghia from the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap said Viet Nam's labour structure was shifting from agriculture towards industry.

He suggested more attention be paid to industry in order to create a momentum for the economy.

Party building urged

Delegates also underscored the need to further promote Party building, with a focus on being consistent with a relevant resolution adopted by the 11th Party Central Committee's fourth plenum.

Kim, of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, told a Vietnam News Agency reporter that the resolution suits current realities and expectations of officials, Party members and people nationwide, adding that the Party build-up and renewal must be made a regular task.

In his viewpoint, it is crucial to raise the spirit of criticism and self-criticism in an honest, straightforward and open manner in line with Party principles, while conducting mutual supervision.

Ngo Duy Hieu from Ha Noi said delegates hoped that along side the socio-economic development tasks, more attention should be paid to Party building through inspecting, overseeing and dealing with any violations.

He stressed that high-ranking officials should set good examples and stand in the vanguard of the Party building cause.

Delegate Luu Minh Son from Phu Yen Province said the Party should show great political will to successfully effectuate the resolution and gradually drive back corruption and negative phenomena.

Nomination process

Yesterday, the Congress approved the list of additional nominees proposed for the 12th Party Central Committee by delegates on Sunday. The nominees did not appear on the list prepared by the 11th Party Central Committee during their delegations' meetings.

The nomination process for the 12th Central Committee was made clear by Le Quang Vinh, deputy head of the Office of the Party Central Committee, when talking with the press on the sidelines of the Congress.

Firstly, there are candidates nominated by the 11th Central Committee, as prescribed by the Party's Statutes. The 11th Party Central Committee's list must ensure the number of nominees has a surplus of between 10-15 per cent, as agreed upon in election regulations adopted earlier at the Congress.

Secondly, some nominees will be named by delegates attending the 12th National Party Congress and others will nominate themselves.

For those 11th Party Central Committee members who are not re-nominated by the 12th Party Central Committee, but are introduced by participating delegates, a secret ballot will be held to decide if they stay on the nomination list or not.

Non-11th Party Central Committee members are allowed to be nominated or can nominate themselves for the 12th Party Central Committee, as regulated.

The surplus nominees on the official list are not allowed to exceed 30 per cent.

According to Vu Ngoc Hoang, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Popularisation and Education, delegates, at plenary meetings or group discussions, showed agreed on the proposed personnel plan and the nominee list submitted by the 11th Party Central Committee.

Of the 11th Party Central Committee members who were re-nominated for the 12th Party Central Committee, Hoang said the Party Central Committee had discussed these cases thoroughly in a democratic manner and concluded they should not be replaced due to their unique experience. 

Press release on fifth working day of 12th National Party Congress

The 12th National Party Congress approved the list of candidates for the 12th Party Central Committee on January 25.

Working in delegations in the morning, the delegates considered the list of proposed personnel for the 12th Party Central Committee.

The presidium then met and gave opinions on the candidacy, nomination or withdrawal from the list of nominees.

The Congress had a plenary session in the afternoon under the chair of Nguyen Phu Trong – Party General Secretary and Chairman of the presidium.

On behalf of the presidium, To Huy Rua – a Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission on Organisation – delivered a report summarising the candidacy, nomination and withdrawal of the delegations and delegates.

The participants then elected the vote counting board.

They cast ballots to approve the list of candidates and nominees and cases requesting to withdraw from the list of candidates for the 12th Party Central Committee.

After that, the Congress approved the list of nominees to the 12th ​Party Central Committee.

Congratulations on 12th National Party Congress heap

By January 25, the 12th National Party Congress received a total of 235 messages of congratulations from foreign parties, organisations, friends and diplomatic corps, according to the Secretariat of the Congress.

Of the figure, 38 newly-arrived messages hail from 16 political parties, three of which are in Europe, nine in America and four in the Middle-East and Africa. Twelve are from friendship organisations and international friends, and 10 from foreign embassies in Vietnam.

The 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam opened at Hanoi’s National Convention Centre on January 21 to 28.

The congress is working under the theme: Promoting the building of a pure and strong Party while putting into play the strength of the entire nation and socialist democracy, stepping up reform comprehensively and synchronously, firmly safeguarding the Fatherland and maintaining a peaceful and stable environment, and striving to turn Vietnam into a modernity-oriented industrialised country.

A total of 1,510 delegates representing more than 4.5 million Party members are attending the event.

The Congress focuses on reviewing the implementation of the Resolution of the 11th National Party Congress and three decades of Doi Moi (Reform), drawing lessons, and defining goals and missions for the entire Party, people and army over the next five years.

Delegates expect stronger Party building during 12th tenure

Delegates attending the ongoing 12th National Party Congress in Hanoi have underscored the need to further promote Party building, with a focus on being consistent with a relevant resolution adopted by the 11th Party Central Committee’s fourth plenum.

Vu Trong Kim, Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, told a Vietnam News Agency reporter that the resolution suits current realities and expectations of officials, Party members and people nationwide, adding that the Party build-up and renewal must be made a regular task.

In his viewpoint, it is crucial to raise the spirit of criticism and self-criticism in an honest, straightforward and open manner in line with Party principles, while conducting mutual supervision.

Ngo Duy Hieu from Hanoi said delegates generally hoped that alongside the socio-economic development task, more attention should be paid to Party building through inspecting, overseeing and dealing with any violations.

He stressed that high-ranking officials should set good examples and stand in the vanguard of the Party building cause.

Delegate Luu Minh Son from Phu Yen province said the Party should show great political will to successfully effectuate the resolution and gradually drive back corruption and negative phenomena.

Meanwhile, member of the Politburo’s assisting group Nguyen Duc Ha, made it clear that the resolution, which was mentioned first in the Political Report submitted to the Congress, is also identified as one of the six key tasks for the 12 th tenure.