Party General Secretary visits Hungary’s Szentendre city


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (L) shakes hands with Mayor of Szentendre city Verseghi-Nagy Miklos 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and his entourage on September 9 visited Szentendre - an ancient city lying on the bank of Danube River in Pest County, about 20km from Budapest capital city of Hungary. 

The Vietnamese Party chief is on an official visit to Hungary from September 8-11 at the invitation of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. 

Szentendre city is known as the land of painters, with many museums and photo galleries. 

During his stay in the city, Party leader Trong met with Mayor of Szentendre city Verseghi-Nagy Miklos, who gave a warmly welcome to the Vietnamese delegation. 

Host and guest highlighted the traditional friendship between the two nations, which has been incessantly expanded in recent years.

The two sides have exchanged many high-ranking delegations and promoted fruitful cooperation across spheres, especially economy, science, education and training, they said, noting that many Vietnamese officials, doctors and engineers have been trained in Hungary.

Szentendre set up relations with Hoi An city of Vietnam’s central province of Quang Nam, the mayor said, expressing his impression on the hospitality of Vietnamese people. 

He voiced his belief that the visit made by Party leader Trong will contribute to pushing the friendship and cooperation between his country and Vietnam.

The Party chief thanked the municipal authorities and people for their warm welcome, expressing his delight to have a chance to visit Szentendre - a culture and art city with long-lasting history, peaceful environment, and charming architectural works.

He said that his visit to Hungary aims to bolster all-round cooperation between the two nations, including cultural exchanges and collaboration between their localities. 

The Vietnam-Hungary traditional friendship, an invaluable asset of the two countries, needs to be preserved and passed to next generations of their people, he underlined.

The Party General Secretary stressed that the Southeast Asian nation has been grateful for Hungary’s support during the national protection and construction. Thousands of Vietnamese officials and engineers received training in the central European country, many of them are holding important positions in the State apparatus, he added.

He expressed his belief that the bilateral cooperation will further develop in the fields of politics-diplomacy, economy, trade, investment, culture, and tourism.

Also, he lauded collaboration between Szentendre city and Hoi An ancient town, hoping that their cooperation will be bolstered in an effective and practical manner in the future.

Sharing experience in preservation of heritages and tourism development as well as cultural and art exchanges will make significant contributions to consolidating and developing the Vietnam-Hungary traditional friendship.

Party chief meets Hungarian Socialist Party Chairman


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (left) and Hungarian Socialist Party Chairman Tóth Bertalan.

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong on September 9 expressed his hope that the Hungarian Socialist Party (HSP) will continue to support Vietnam as well as policies towards the country. 

At a meeting with HSP Chairman Tóth Bertalan in Bundapest as part of his ongoing official visit to Hungary, the Party chief called on the HSP to help the 5,000-strong Vietnamese community in Hungary to integrate into the host society, while contributing to the comprehensive cooperation between the two countries. 

The leader affirmed that his visit aims to consolidate and advance the bilateral traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation. 

He highlighted Hungary’s support for the just cause of Vietnamese people during the past struggle for independence, as well as the present national construction and development. 

Vietnam always keeps in mind the valuable and effective assistance of the Hungarian State and people, he said, adding that various Vietnamese generations have studied in Hungary and many of them have held important positions in the State apparatus as well as socio-economic life of Vietnam after returning home. 

Hungary provides 200 scholarships to Vietnamese students each year who serve as an important bridge for the bilateral relations, he said. 

For his part, Tóth Bertalan described Party General Secretary Trong’s visit as an important event in the history of the bilateral relationship. 

The HSP always supports policies that aim to further consolidate and enhance the fine friendship and cooperation with Vietnam, he said. 

Regardless of time, Hungary is always a faithful and close friend of Vietnam, he added, affirming the faithful friendship as an immutable value. 

Hungary is a door for Vietnam to expand its relations with the European Union while Vietnam serves as a gateway for Hungary to step up its ties with Southeast Asia and Asia at large, the host said, expressing his hope that the Vietnamese Party chief’s visit will open up door for both sides.

Party General Secretary Trong’s official visit to Hungary from September 8-11 is made at the invitation of Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Party leader visits Vietnamese embassy, meets expatriates in Hungary


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visits the Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary on September 9 

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met with staff of the Vietnamese Embassy and representatives of Vietnamese expatriates in Hungary on September 9, part of his official visit to the European nation.

Ambassador Nguyen Tien Thuc informed the leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam about the embassy’s performance, activities of the Vietnamese People Association, and the situation of the Vietnamese community in Hungary.

The over 5,000 Vietnamese here have always been united and supported each other. They are an important bridge in the two countries’ relations, he said.

At the meeting, many expatriates showed their attention to Vietnam’s situation and submitted proposals. They said development guidelines and policies should be built basing on the interests of the country and people so as to enhance people’s trust. They also called on the Party and State to pay more attention to developing agriculture, building new-style rural areas, improving farmers’ living standards and protecting the environment.

They promised to remain united and contribute to the development of Hungary and Vietnam.

General Secretary Trong appreciated the expatriates’ opinions and briefed them about Vietnam’s situation.

He said his visit to Hungary aims to elevate bilateral relations, adding that the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Hungary have grown during the past seven decades. The Hungarian people provided the Vietnamese with precious assistance for nation-building and protection in the past. Nowadays, the two sides continue promoting friendship and cooperation in a pragmatic and effective manner for the sake of the two peoples and for the development of each country.

He applauded the embassy’s efforts to fulfill their duties and activities of the Vietnamese People Association and member organisations in Hungary to support the expatriates.

The leader emphasised that the Party and State always consider overseas Vietnamese as an integral part of Vietnam. He asked the expatriates to always remember their origin, assist each other, uphold national cultural identities and contribute to the two countries’ connections.

“Each person is a nucleus, a seed and a bridge in the friendship and cooperation between the two countries,” he noted.

He also asked the embassy to work harder to help reinforce the traditional bilateral ties and support the Vietnamese community in Hungary.