General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong successfully concluded his official visit to Russia in the afternoon of September 8, and left Moscow for an official visit to Hungary at the invitation of Prime Minister Viktor Orban.


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong

His entourage includes Politburo member, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh; Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Economic Commission Nguyen Van Binh; Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its office Nguyen Van Nen; and member of the Party Central Committee and head of its External Relations Hoang Binh Quan.

The Party leader is also accompanied by Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung; Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh; Minister of Education and Training Tran Xuan Nha; Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long; and Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung. 

His Hungary visit holds historical significance as it is the first trip by Vietnamese Party leader to a country in Central Eastern Europe since institutional transformation in the region. 

It aims to create a new landmark and momentum for the bilateral relationship, while enhancing mutual trust and understanding between leaders and peoples of the two countries. 

The visit is also expected to deepen the traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between Vietnam and Hungary, and advance their cooperation framework to a comprehensive partnership in order to make new and more practical changes in bilateral collaboration across various fields and promote Vietnam’s influence in Central Eastern Europe. 

Through the Party leader’s trip, Vietnam wants to affirm its policy of considering Hungary an important and traditional partner in the region and enhance the bilateral relations in the areas of both sides’ potential and strength. 

Vietnam and Hungary established diplomatic ties on February 3, 1950. Over the past years, active progress has been made in the bilateral relations, with high political trust and regular exchange of delegations, especially at the high levels, through Party, Government, National Assembly and local channels.

Party chief sends message of thanks to Russian President


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong sent a message of thanks to Russian President Vladimir Putin at the end of his official visit to Russia from September 5-8. 

Thanking the President, other Russian officials and the Russian people for their considerate and respectful reception, the CPV General Secretary expressed his belief that the good outcomes of his visit, especially the Vietnam-Russia joint statement, will serve as the foundation for the two countries to strengthen and further deepen their traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership, meeting the aspirations and the interests of the two peoples, and benefiting peace, stability, cooperation and development in Asia-Pacific and the world as a whole. 

“I take along with me deep impressions of the land and kind and hospitable people of Russia, along with a firm confidence in the bright future of our two countries,” the CPV chief wrote in the message. 

He wished Russia constant development and prosperity, and even greater achievements in national construction, and development of the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

Party leader: Vietnam will create best conditions for Russian firms


General Secretary of Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives Sergei Kudryashov, General Director at Zarubezhneft. 

Vietnam will create the best conditions for Russian firms to operate or expand their operation in Vietnam, General Secretary of Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong stated on September 7.

Receiving leading officials of Russian oil and gas groups Gazprom and Zarubezneft, which are having traditional and effective cooperation with Vietnam in Moscow within the framework of his ongoing official visit to Russia, the Party leader also expressed his belief that cooperation projects between the two sides will reap desirable outcomes and serve the common benefits of the two countries.

He further stressed that cooperation in the field of oil and gas, as well as in energy, is of strategic significance in the bilateral relation, and spoke highly of the cooperation between the groups and their Vietnamese partner.

The groups’ officials said they are happy at the new achievement in the relations between the two countries, and thanked Vietnam for facilitating their operation. They also expressed their desire to continue the long-term cooperation with the Vietnamese side, and to broaden their cooperation to other fields such as electricity generation, environment protection, human resources training.

Also within the framework of Party leader Trong’s official visit to Russia, Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long had a meeting with his Russian counterpart Konovalov Alexandr Vladimirovich in Moscow on September 7.

Long highly valued the outcomes of the legal and justice cooperation between the two countries, especially since 2010 when the two sides signed an agreement to resume bilateral cooperation. He thanked the Russian government in general and the ministry in particular for their valuable support, especially in the training of Vietnamese legal officials.

Further accelerating legal and justice cooperation with Russia will continue to be a top priority of the international cooperation policy of the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice, Long affirmed.

For his part, Minister Vladimirovich stressed that the cooperation programme for the 2018-2019 period signed between the two ministries to implement the bilateral cooperation agreement is of very large scope. There is large room for specific cooperation subjects, he said, adding that the viewpoint of the Russian ministry is to stand ready to consolidate, broaden and strengthen cooperation with the Vietnamese side.

The two ministers agreed to continue effectively implementing the cooperation programme for the 2018-2019 period, under which the two sides will boost the sharing of experience, continue to effectively implement the legal and justice support agreement, and the Russian side will continue to provide scholarships for Vietnamese students.

Russia a top priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy: Party leader


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov in Russia 

Vietnam always takes the Russian Federation as a top priority partner in its foreign policy, and wishes to further push up and deepen the bilateral relations of cooperation in all fields on the basis of mutual trust and for the benefit of the two peoples.

So said General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, now on an official visit to Russia, while receiving leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov in Moscow on September 8.

Party leader Trong said he is happy to meet Zyuganov again and stressed that for the Vietnamese people, the people of the former Soviet Union and of the current Russia are always friends and brothers, and this sentiment will never change.

The Vietnamese people will never forget the valuable support and assistance, both spiritual and material, given by the people of the former Soviet Union and of the current Russia to Vietnam during its national defence in the past and its current national construction and development, Party leader Trong reiterated.

He took the occasion to thank the Russian party for its active support to President Vladimir Putin’s policy of developing the relations of friendship and comprehensive cooperation with Vietnam, and expressed his belief that the Russian party will further consolidate its firm position in the social and political life in Russia, thus making important contributions to prosperity in Russia as well as to the international communist and worker’s movement.

Party leader Trong spoke highly of the Russian party’s successful organization of various events relating to the international communist movement, and stressed that the Communist Party of Vietnam always treasures the fine, traditional relations of friendship with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. He also took the occasion to ask the Russian party to continue supporting Vietnam in its national construction and defence.

In the time to come, the two sides should intensify the exchange of delegations at various levels, actively support the cooperative relations between their mass organizations, and pay attention to the consolidation of the organization and operation of the friendship associations, the Party leader said. He also expressed his hope that the Russian party, with its prestige and influence, will do its utmost to push up the comprehensive and strategic partnership between the two countries.

For his part, Zyuganov recalled his profound memories of Vietnam and said he is happy to see that Vietnam still continues the relations of friendship and cooperation with Russia.

The Russian party leader expressed his joy and pride at Vietnam’s achievements in its renewal and national development as well as at the fine development of the Russia – Vietnam relations, and said he hopes the cooperative relations between localities of the two countries will be pushed up.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation always supports cooperation programmes with Vietnam, Zyuganov stressed, adding that the party will closely join hands with the Vietnamese side in organizing various practical and significant activities on the occasion of the Year of Russia in Vietnam and the Year of Vietnam in Russia. He also spoke highly of the close collaboration and active contributions from the Vietnamese Party to the organization and successes of the events held by the Russian party.

Also within the framework of the official visit to Russia by Party leader Trong, Politburo member and Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Van Binh, who is also head of the its economic commission, received Chairman of the International Investment Bank Nikolay Kosov and Chairman of the International Bank for Economic Cooperation Denis Ivanov.

The two sides exchanged views on issues related to the development of relations and cooperation in the banking field. The leaders of the banks expressed their wish to continue receiving support from Vietnam and affirmed that they will further develop the cooperation with Vietnamese partners.

For his part, Binh spoke highly of the achievements recorded by the two banks, affirmed support to their action plans, and welcomed their cooperation and investment projects in Vietnam.

Party chief praises role of Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association


CPV General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the event 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong attended a ceremony in Moscow, Russia on September 8 marking the 60th founding anniversary of the Russia – Vietnam Friendship Association (RVFA). 

Speaking at the event, the Party leader expressed appreciation for the RVFA’s dynamic and creative activities over the past years, contributing to cementing the friendship and cooperation between the two countries. 

In the past, the association held various movements in support of Vietnam in the fight against invaders, and in peacetime, the association continued to help Vietnam in its national reconstruction, he said. 

General Secretary Trong hailed the RVFA for working closely with the Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association (VRFA) and the two countries’ agencies for publishing many books on Vietnam, holding international painting contests for children to offer them an insight into the cultures and friendship between the two nations, planting trees at the premise of President Ho Chi Minh Monument in Moscow. 

The two associations have served as bridges to connect Vietnamese and Russian universities, vocational organisations and businesses, in order to foster ties across education-training, culture, trade-investment, he said. 

The Party chief expressed his wish that the RVFA would better perform its role as a bridge connecting the two peoples, promoting ties between localities and businesses on mutually beneficial basis, thus bringing the two countries’ young generations closer. 

On the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh presented the Labour Order, first class, to the RVFA, and the Labour Order, third class, to RVFA President V.Buyanov. 

VRFA President and Editor-in-Chief of Bach Duong magazine Nguyen Dang Phat was presented with the insignia “For Coordination in Actions” by the Russian Foreign Ministry. 

Many RVFA members were honoured with the Friendship Order and Friendship Medal of the Vietnamese State. 

Established on July 31, 1958, the RVFA is one of the oldest social organisations in Russia that operates in people-to-people diplomacy.