Head of the Party Central Committee’s Internal Affairs Commission and deputy head of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption Phan Dinh Trac paid a working visit to the northern province of Bac Ninh on August 23 to inspect anti-corruption work. 


Trac heads one of the seven working groups of the Steering Committee established in late May by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to inspect the investigation and judgement of serious and complicated corruption and economic cases of public concern. 

According to the provincial Party Committee, the inspection commissions at all levels carried out disciplinary measures against 49 Party units and 1,185 Party members, of whom 75 were dismissed from their posts and 52 others were expelled from the Party for their violations, which were mostly in irresponsibility in leadership and in land and financial management. 

Relevant agencies dealt with 176 cases of complaints and denunciations and recovered more than 84 billion VND (3.8 million USD) from economic violations. 

Speaking at the working session, Trac asked the standing board of the provincial Party Committee to work closely with the working group to inspect local units, ensuring that the fight against corruption brings fruits. 

The working group requested more inspections into the investigation and trial of some corruption and economic cases, particularly those involved suspended sentences.